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ADS1246: Schematic review

Part Number: ADS1246

To All

I would appreciate your review of the attached schematic.  As of my last post, reading voltages from 0 through ~70 volt,

auto-ranging by stepping the PGA nibble of the Sys0 register functions as expected.  

Note: R114 and R122 are DNP.

Thanks in advance


  • Hi Neale,

    Some comments:

    • I could not see how AVDD and DVDD were generated, so hopefully this are derived from clean, well-regulated supplies
    • We typically do not recommend split ground planes. I noticed that you have different nets for analog and digital ground, which usually implies split ground planes. Just a word of caution
    • Sometimes the ferrites in the supply lines can cause issues depending on their dc impedance. The ADC can draw 10s of mA of instantaneous current during certain situations (going from powerdown to converting, using the PGA, etc.) A voltage drop can be established across the ferrite that causes the supply voltage to droop. Again, this is not wrong per se, just keep this in mind

    I didn't check the circuit to make sure it operates as intended (I leave that to you), just a general review of the ADC and its associated circuitry.
