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ADS1299: Characteristics of ADS1299 between 0Hz and 10Hz

Part Number: ADS1299


I use ads1299, the frequency between 0.1H and 250Hz is very importants for my project.

all grapghic of performance is begin over 10Hz.

Do you  know about all caracteristics of this ADC between 0 and 10Hz?

Thank you

  • Hi Kanan,

        TI does not disclose extra info that is not published in the data sheet.

        According to datasheet "ADS1299-x Low-Noise, 4-, 6-, 8-Channel, 24-Bit, Analog-to-Digital Converter for EEG and Biopotential Measurement", Table 29

    and section 10.2.3 -

    ADS1299 should be capable of measuring signal between 10 to 50Hz.

    Do you have a evaluation kit/board(EVM)? I suggest obtain one "ADS1299EEGFE-PDK" to evaluate your application.


  • Hi chienchun,

    thanks for your answer.

    I agree with you that bande width is bextween 1to 50Hz for EEG signal.

    But all caracteristics is begin with 10Hz not 1 Hz.

    Where i could have theses inforamtions?

    no, i don't have a evaluta kit.


  • Hi Kanan,

       Thanks. Let me get back to our engineering team to see if TI can provide or disclose any further information.

  • Hi Kanan,

       Just reached out to other engineer team.

       Due to the confidentiality, the info TI can disclose might be limited. However, Could you please take a look at the data sheet and let me know which table or chart or figure(e.g. Section 7.8 Typical Characteristics) you would like to see the 0 to 10Hz measurements?

       And, I will see if TI can provide some of those.


  • Hi ChienChun,

    Could I have it for  CMRR vs Frequency for data rate=500sps (figure5), and for  Total Harmonic Distortion vs Frequency , Gain=24, Data rate =500sps(figure9).

    Could i have a zoom for (figure13) FFT Plot, betwwen 0Hz and 1KHz?

    when i see the FFT of input (void) in my pcb, I obsevered that the noise is very important between 0Hz and 10Hz.


  • Hi,

       Would you mind explaining to me why you need or what projects/application are you working so that you need the 0 to 10Hz responses?

       Please let me know if you want to send the description to me via email or need NDA?

       After I obtain that info, I can forward the message to other engineering team to request.


  • Hi,

    I can do that by email

  • I just sent an email to your company email account.

    Please reply me through that email.

    If you don't see email within 30 mins, let me know, we can figure out other way of communication.