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ADS1675: ADS1675 : 2MSPS

Part Number: ADS1675

Hi Support Team,

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only way to have 2MSPS with ADS1675 is with the following settings:

Fclk = 16 MHz

DRATE = 101  => Fclk/8 = 2MSPS

With DRDY timing = 1/2MSPS = 0.5 us

and Fsclk = 16Mhz x 3 = 48 Mhz, which give me a correct 48 Mbit/s (2x24 bit, so 2MSPS)  with one sclk pulse for one data

If I stay with Fclk = 32 Mhz

DRATE = 100 => Fclk/16 = 2MSPS

DRDY tuming remain 0.5 us

but Fsclk = 32 MHz x 3 = 96 MHz  ... this would mean that I will have 2 clock pulse for one bit data ?

