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AFE4950: Questions about mother and sensor boards

Part Number: AFE4950

Getting the eval board the AFE4950 (mother board) with the SFH7072 sensors
-      The sensor board supports 4LEDs, I am wondering can we replace this with a laser? Is there enough power for a 0.5W laser? If these are the electrical specifications of the laser:

  • Threshold Current: 0.4 A
  • Operating Current: 1.1 A
  • Operating Voltage: 2.0 V
  • TEC max Current: 2.5 A
  • TEC max Voltage: 6.3 V
  • Monitor Photodiode Range: 2000 μA
  • Thermistor: 10 (±5%) kΩ (@25℃)
  • Slope Efficiency: 0.7 W/A

And general specifications of the laser:

  • CW Output Power: 500 mW
  • Center Wavelength: 785 nm (±0.5 nm)
  • Spectral Width: < 0.1 nm
  • Temperature Tuning Coefficient: 0.01 nm/℃
  • Current Tuning Coefficient: 0.05 nm/A

if 500mW is the max power we can use, can we just set that laser to 50mW because this is the amount of power we need.

-       How do we control exposure time of the photodiodes?
-       How do we control sampling time of the photodiodes?
-       Can this be used for speckle contrast imaging?
-       Can linux interface with the board?

-       Storage available on the board? Any sort of support for microSD cards?