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DDC264EVM: Pinout of the 300-pin main connector

Part Number: DDC264EVM


I'm trying to use DDC264EVM for measuring my device. I've made a special adapter PCB instead of included analog-in board. But, I need to know which pin of the connector corresponds to which channel (1 to 256), which are shown in the software. There is one table in the datasheet, but it only generally describes how resistors are connected to all 4 DDC (like resistors R1-R28 are somehow connected to [...] channels on DDC1, [...] on DDC2 and so on, they are not sorted in the order of appearance. Also, it is not written in the general order of channels, you have data for channels 1-64 for DDC1, then again 1-64 channels for DDC2, and so on. Would be great to have a clear pinout for channels from 1 to 256 for the connector directly, for the order your software shows the data.