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DAC70501: We're looking for the DA converter similar to DAC70501MDGST.

Part Number: DAC70501
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC8311, , DAC81402, DAC70004

Hello Team

We are looking for the DA converter which have similart spcifications to DAC70501M except that the reference mode after POR is external reference mode.

Are there any products that meet the requirements?

Best Regard

Miyano Shinichi

  • Hi Shinichi-san, 

    Is 14-bit, single channel a requirement? If so, the only option would be the DAC8311 which uses the VDD as the reference pin. 

    Let me know if we can adjust the resolution to another value and maybe we can find another suitable device. 


    Katlynne Jones

  • Hello Katlynne 

    Thank you for your reply.

    We recognized that DAC8311 is not meet out requirment, because the device uses the VDD as the reference pin.

    our requirement is below:

     -Resolution: 14bit or more

     -Channels   : 1ch or more

     -Gain error:  same as DAC70501 or more

    -Offcet error:same as DAC70501 or more

    We hope that We'll find good solution...

    Best Regard

    Miyano Shinichi

  • Hi Shinichi-san, 

    You can consider the DAC81402 or the DAC70004. Those both have very close gain/offset error specs. 

    What is the customer's concern with the internal reference being on by default in the DAC70501? We have seen that it is ok for the external reference and internal reference to both be on at the same time (for a short time) as long as a series current limiting resistor is used. 


    Katlynne Jones

  • Hello Katlynne 

    Thank you for your reply.

    We'd like to talk more about your question in a closed condition.

    Best Regard

    Miyano Shinichi

  • Hi Shinichi-san, 

    I see that we had a private message conversation about the DAC70501 last year. We can continue the discussion there if you would like. 


    Katlynne Jones

  • Thank you Katlyne.

    Our concern is following:
    -Power on sequence getting complicated.
    -Power off sequence getting complicated.
    -Because initialization may fail due to issue (and guesses) on the MPU.

    The background of this consultation is that we're looking for a DAC that can use DAC70501 well, but is easier to use in a our system.

    Best Regard

    Miyano Shinichi

  • Hi Shinichi-san,

    What is your desired reference voltage?

  • Hello Paul

    Thank you for your reply.

    Our requirement is following:

     - Main Power supply : around 5V  ( <- Automaticaly powered on with Main power supply of board)

     - Reference voltage : High accuracy 5V (<- Power on by MPU controll.)

    Best Regard

    Miyano Shinichi

  • Hi Shinichi-san,

    You can use the DAC70501 precision internal reference with the 2x gain mode to have a 5-V full scale range. Is the internal reference not accurate enough? It has high initial accuracy and very low drift. 


    Katlynne Jones 

  • Hello Katlyne

    Thank you for your reply.

    We estimate that the Internal reference is insufficient, so we cannot use the internal reference as is.
    Basically, DAC70501 has enough performance to our usecase. From the viewpoint of reliable operation in the system, some extra circuits are required.
    So we are considering replacing DAC70501 with another device if possible.
    So far, we have decided that the best solution is to master DAC70501.

    Best Regard

    Miyano Shinichi