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AFE5832LP: Question about the LVDS data reception of AFE5832LP

Part Number: AFE5832LP

Dear TI Teams,

When using the AFE5832LP in one of our projects, we encountered some problems with LVDS data reception, the details are as follows:

We know that the default of AFE5832LP is to transmit data of two AD acquisition channels on one LVDS line, and a total of 16 LVDS lines are used to transmit 32 channel datas, and the high FCLK is fixed to correspond to the even number of channels, and the low FCLK corresponds to the odd number of channels. At present, due to the limitation of system IO, we are using one LVDS line to transmit data from 4 AD acquisition channels, and a total of 8 lines are used to complete the acquisition and transmission (LVDS RATE 2X mode). In this case, the 4 channels acquired data at once are transmitted on a single LVDS line., corresponding to an acquisition of FCLK has two high level cycles and two low level cycles, will represented in high, low, high, low form, corresponding to the AD acquisition channel of 1st-ch, 3rd-ch, 2nd-ch, 4th-ch. Therefore, when FCLK is in high level, we can not determine whether the current corresponding to the data of channel 1 or channel 3 data.

From the datasheet we learned that after a certain delay time after TX_TRIG, the FCLK signal will regularly appear in high, low, high, low pulse signals, and then the first high signal corresponds to the data of the first channel. However, we found that the delay time is not fixed after each TX_TRIG generation, which will cause the confusion of solving the data channel. That is, the external input is fixed at 1 channel input, but after solving the data, sometimes the waveforms appear in the frist channel and sometimes in second channels.

May I ask if there is some mechanism to know exactly this correspondence?


Kind Regards

  • Hi,

    This may happen if timing of TX_TRIG is not met with respect to the input clock of AFE5832LP. Can you confirm if TX_TRIG is synchronized with respect to input clock and is it aligned with rising or falling edge? In datasheet, TX_TRIG timing with respect to the clock input is explained in section "ADC Synchronization Using TX_TRIG". 




  • Hi Shabbir,

    TX_TRIG is output after the ADC clock is synchronised with the same source and frequency, and it is aligned with rising or falling edge.

    In datasheet, TX_TRIG timing with respect to the clock input is explained in section "ADC Synchronization Using TX_TRIG". 

    After sys clk picks up the TX_TRIG signal, if it is normal mode, how long should the data of the first channel be delayed before it can be read? Form the datasheet we can learned that the NLAT is 8.5, but the tprop_2x doesn't state how much it is. but not state how much the tprop_2x is.

    We think there should be a definite delay time, otherwise the single data parsing will be wrong and the multiple ADs won't be able to synchronise.

    May I asking is there an reference FPGA synchronisation program that can be provided to us?


    Kind Regards

  • Hi,

    Tprop and Tprop_2x is given by (6*tD + 5)ns. In 2x LVDS mode, tD=1000/(2 × NSER × fC) ns; NSER is serialization factor, fC -> Conversion clock frequency in MHz. 

    For example, if your serialization factor is 12x, conversion clock is 40MHz then tD = 1000/(2*12*40) = 1.04 ns. Hence Tprop_2x = 6*1.04+5=11.25ns. This is finite delay time.

    Sorry, we dont have any FPGA example code.

