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TSW1400 FPGA programming file and D6, D7 LED NOT light

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE58JD28EVM


We got 3 TSW1400EVM. 2 of them show D6 D7 LED doesn't light up. D5 lights up and indictates ADC CLK is in.  Their FPGA firmware was not touched.  We are on Win11 system, providing 5V supply with 5A current. Any clue? 

The 3rd TSW1400 shows JTAG chain break. It might be due to programming FPGA code is corrupted in our firmware debug. Could you please provide a complied FPGA image file to program the FPGA? 

I confirmed that our AFE58JD28EVM is good through TSW1405 data capture. 

Thanks a lot! 
