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Dear Technical Support Team,
I have questions about ADC3661 and ADC3561 evaluation with EVM
Do you have ADC3661EVM and ADC3561EVM?
According to the website for ADS3661 and ADC3561, it shows only ADS3662EVM.
According to the User guide "ADC366xEVM Evaluation Module", we need to prepare LVDS Interposer and TSW1400.
Dose ADS3662EVM includes LVDS Interposer ?
Also, There is no TI website for TSW1400. Can I buy it? Is it already EOL ?
If you have alternative TSW series, please let me know.
Do you provide reference HDL(Verilog / VHDL) for Serial LVDS?
In my case, I have a plan to use Intel SoC and ADC3661/ADC3561 on my board.
Best Regards,
Hi ttd,
Unfortunately, we do not have those EVMs. Those parts are just different speed grades of the same device (in the case of the 3661) and a single channel version of the same device (in the case of the 3561). Their functionality can both be realized in the ADC3662EVM.
The interposer does come with the EVM, however, the TSW1400EVM is now obsolete.
We are looking into the third question at the moment and will get back with you on that and alternatives to the TSW1400.
Best regards,
Hi Drew,
Thank you for your reply.
>We are looking into the third question at the moment and will get back with you on that and alternatives to the TSW1400.
⇒I appreciate your continued support.
Best Regards,
Hi ttd,
When you mentioned providing reference HDL, if this was referring to the current firmware for the tsw1400, we can hand that over. However, it would just be "as is" and we wouldn't be able to support further modifications.
If this is the case, please let us know and we can send that over.
Best regards,
Hi Drew,
Thank you for your reply.
Yes, I would like to get firmware.
According to the user guide, the FPGA installed in TSW1400EVM is Intel's (Altera) STRATIX IV.
If this firmware includes HDL for SLVDS I/F,
I think this will be helpful to incorporate into my FPGA design (Intel SoC).
Best Regards,
See attached.
Quartus Version Required for compiling: Quartus II 14.0 Subscription Edition TSW1400 platform FWs are developed in Quartus II 14.0 Subscrition version only. It is preferred to use the same version for any FW modifications.Any higher version can be used to view the design but to compile the FW again, preferrable to use the base version with which fw is developed. Or the IPs used need to be upgraded before recompiling Known Issues in Quartus: 1. Issue with DDR2 IP: We faced an issue in opening DDR2 SDRAM ALTMEMPHY IP in Quartus 14.0 and had to edit the .lst file available in Quartus 14.0 installed directory- :\altera\14.0\ip\altera\ddr2_high_perf\lib inorder to open and view the IP settings Edits made in the .lst file Original Setting: <ALIAS>DDR2 High Performance Controller v9.0</ALIAS> Edited Setting: <ALIAS>DDR2 High Performance Controller v10.1</ALIAS> Only the FW designs edited/released by Soliton team are placed in this folder. There are many device format specific FWs developed by TI FW team and their corresponding source codes are available in below P4 paths ADC LVDS FWs- //HPA/HSP/Data Converters/Projects/TSW1400/Firmware Files/ADC/LVDS/ ADC CMOS FWs- //HPA/HSP/Data Converters/Projects/TSW1400/Firmware Files/ADC/CMOS/ DAC LVDS FWs- //HPA/HSP/Data Converters/Projects/TSW1400/Firmware Files/DAC/LVDS/ DAC CMOS FWs- //HPA/HSP/Data Converters/Projects/TSW1400/Firmware Files/DAC/CMOS/
Hi Rob,
Thank you for attaching the files. has ADC_FIRMWARE.qar and ADC_FIRMWARE (1).qar is attached on This E2E.
Are these same project file for Quatus?
According to ADC_FIRMWARE.qarlog inculed, it has following log for ADC LVDS interface HDL(verilog).
Do and ADC_FIRMWARE (1).qar have these files?
D:/TI HSDC Alignment/TSW1400/FW Source/ADC_FIRMWARE/ver/adcif_formatpdata.v
D:/TI HSDC Alignment/TSW1400/FW Source/ADC_FIRMWARE/ver/adcif_lvds.qip
D:/TI HSDC Alignment/TSW1400/FW Source/ADC_FIRMWARE/ver/adcif_lvds.v
D:/TI HSDC Alignment/TSW1400/FW Source/ADC_FIRMWARE/ver/adcif_rotatelvds.v
Unfortunately I don't include Quartus II 14.0 on my PC(windows 10) currently.
Best Regards,
Yes, these are the same files.
Unfortunately, this FW is old, created by an outside contractor that we no longer use.
This is all we can offer for support at this time.
Hi Rob,
Thank you for your cooperation.
I have understood the matter described in your post.
ADC36xx and ADC35xx are latest SAR ADC, so I hope next version will release alternative TSW1400EVM(obsolete).
(Fortunately, I have TSW1400EVM that I previously purchased)
Best Regard,
Yes, we will have new data capture solutions coming soon.
The TSW1400 was obsoleted, due to the vendor obsoleted the FPGA.