AFE4400: AFE4400 do not understand content of the datasheet

Part Number: AFE4400


Question 1:
I have a question about the pin arrangement of P6.
I'm thinking of the pins as follows. Is this correct? This is to make sure I don't break it.
The circles are my own interpretation. Is this correct? Please let me know.
〇SPISTE is the same as chip select, so the microcontroller should set it as output.
〇Can be connected to the interrupt input pin of an external microcontroller. means the microcontroller should set it as input.
〇Can be connected to the port pin of an external microcontroller. means the microcontroller should set it as output.

Question about datasheet P51 and onwards

In Figure 59. CONTROL0: Control Register 0 (Address = 00h, Reset Value = 0000h), there are Address and Reset Value, but what are these?
It's not written in detail, so this is my interpretation, but if there are any mistakes, please let me know.
The Address is the writing location
It's like this. (Sorry if this is hard to understand.)

P52 AFE Register Description

Write 0x00 in spi to specify AFE Register Description

Then, Bit 0 SPI READ: SPI read

0 = SPI read is disabled (default after reset)

1 = SPI read is enabled

To change this to 1 = SPI read is enabled

Write 0x01 in SPI

Therefore, to set SPI read is enabled for AFE Register Description, write



This can be done.

Reset Value Unknown

  • I would especially like to know about Question 1.

    I don't want to damage the IC by mistake.

    I would like to know if there is any misunderstanding in what I am thinking.

    In particular, the phrase "Can be connected to the port pin of an external microcontroller." in the datasheet is the same as

    means the microcontroller should set it as output.

    I would like to know if this interpretation is correct.

    The IC is extremely small, so if it is damaged it will be difficult to restore it,

    so I am asking just to be sure.

    I think the setting method for Question 2 is probably different.

    I will look into this more thoroughly and then consider it.