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ADS7865: Default Sequencer Behavior

Part Number: ADS7865


Assuming that no configuration registers are changed at power-on. What is the default channel sequence? The SEQUENCER REGISTER is 0x000 by default. This means the sequence length is 0 = Sequencer disabled. It is unclear what this means. Does the ADC toggle between outputting data for CHA0 and CHB0? 

  • Hello James,


    Thank you for your question!


    You are correct, by default the sequencer is disabled, so it only outputs 1 channel selection from both CHA and CHB. By default, the channel selections are CHA0+/-, CHB0+/-, so if a conversion is started after power up or in default settings the output data would be for those channel selections.

    Without the sequencer enabled, in a more case by case setting, the channel selection can be changed by writing to the configuration register, and setting different values for C1 & C0.  Once configured the data will output after the next conversion is completed.

    Figure 32 on the datasheet shows a good example of how this works.


    Best regards,
