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Multi-channel problems with ADS8320

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8320

My project is utilize two ADS8320 in multi-channel mode use for signal aquisition measures of voltage and current. The devices are tie in same DOUT pin. There is any rule or application notes for this tie in multi-channel?

  • Hi Mateus,

    Welcome to the e2e forums!  Was there a question to go along with this post?

  • Hi Mateus,

    There are no specific application notes regarding using two ADS8320 devices 'in parallel' like this.  As long as you have two independent chip selects to U20 and U21, you would not have any issues sharing the DOUT line. 

    You will not be able to simultaneously sample the two ADS8320 devices if that is a requirement for this application.  For that, you would need to use two serial ports from your micro-controller.  One would be set up as the SPI master and the other as an SPI slave.  You would need to keep the SDOs from the two ADS8320's separated and tie the SCLK clock from the master into the slave port.  In this scenario, the /CS inputs would be common to each other.

  • Hi.
    We used application the figure identical up . For example, if CS of U20 is enabled and CS of U21 is disabled, the signal in DOUT have a under voltage. When disconnected U21 of the bus DOUT the signal in DOUT back value normal. We will has wich introduce any component for isolate devices (with diodes inverse  polarized)? Pin anode in DOUT ADS and pin catode in DOUT microcontroller.

    Thank´s by attention  

  • Hi Mateus,

    Can you send an oscilloscope capture of the /CS lines, the SCLK and the SDO's?  You should not have to isolate the two ADS8320 devices to have this work.