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I'd like to ask some help for properly setting up the ADS1248. I use a PIC18F4685 micro with Microchip C18 compiler and I'm able to succesfully communice with the ADS via SPI (I can write and read back the registers, retrieve data, etc.)
I'd like to interface only with the 4 SPI lines, thus I tried to use DOUT/DRDY functionality to be able to poll the DRDY signal and to get a signal similar to datasheet figure 68 on page 37 (SBAS426E – AUGUST 2008 – REVISED DECEMBER 2010). I don't want to use continous data output function and interrupts, but I want to be shure that I have valid conversion result after channel and PGA setting.
I tied START pin high & hold CS continously low. I set the DOUT MODE bit in IDAC0 register, and send RDATA and 4 NOP command to force the DOUT/DRDY pin high. Until this point it works. But DOUT/DRDY never goes low however the DRDY pin sends pulses regularly as can be seen on the scope.
See the screenshot, green: DOUT/DRDY, yellow: DRDY. The low pulses on the green trace are the result bits when they are read out.
What am I doing wrong?
Here is my initialization sequence:
//configure SPI module & ADS registers
void ADSopen( void )
unsigned char var; //putcSPI return value, 0 if no write collision occurred, -1 if a write collision occurred
ADS_CS_TRIS = 0; //CS is output
ADS_CS = 1; //ensure CS is reset
OpenSPI(SPI_FOSC_64, MODE_01, SMPEND); //configure SPI module
ADS_CS = 0; //assert chip select
var = putcSPI( ADS_RESET ); //RESET command holds the registers and thes decimation filter
// in a reset state for 0.6 ms when the system clock frequency is 4.096MHz,
ADS_CS = 1; //deassert chip select
Wait(1); //wait 1 ms
ADS_CS = 0;
var = putcSPI( ADS_SDATAC ); //SDATAC Stop reading data continously (after reset this is the default state)
var = putcSPI( ADS_WREG | MUX0 ); //start at MUX0 register
var = putcSPI( 0x03 ); //write 4 bytes (number of bytes – 1)
var = putcSPI( BCS_off | MUX_SP0 | MUX_SN1 ); //MUX0: BCS_off=0b00000000,
// MUX_SP0=0b00000000, MUX_SN1=0b00000001
var = putcSPI( 0x00 ); //VBIAS
var = putcSPI( VREF_on | REFSELT_int | MUXCAL_off ); //MUX1: VREF_on=0b00100000,
// REFSELT_int=0b00010000, MUXCAL_off=0b00000000
var = putcSPI( PGA_1 | DOR_2000 ); //SYS0: PGA_1=0b00000000, DOR_2000=0b00001001
var = putcSPI( ADS_WREG | IDAC0 ); //start at IDAC0 register
var = putcSPI( 0x04 ); //write 5 bytes (number of bytes – 1)
var = putcSPI( DRDY_DRDO | IMAG_off ); //IDAC0: DRDY_DRDO=0b00001000, IMAG_off=0b00000000
var = putcSPI( I1DIR_off | I2DIR_off ); //IDAC1: I1DIR_off=0b11000000, I2DIR_off=0b00001100
var = putcSPI( 0b00000011 ); //GPIOCFG
var = putcSPI( 0b11111100 ); //GPIODIR
var = putcSPI( 0b00000001 ); //GPIODAT
var = putcSPI( ADS_NOP ); //a NOP can be sent to force DOUT/DRDY high if no other command is pending
ADS_CS = 1;
If I read back these regiters, I get the values what I wrote in.
Then in a loop I send RDATA command, read the result, send one additional NOP and keep the CS low:
//read conversion result
short long ADSreaddata( void )
unsigned char var;
short long result;
char res[3];
ADS_CS = 0; //assert chip select
var = putcSPI( ADS_RDATA ); //Read data once
res[0] = rwSPI( ADS_NOP );
res[1] = rwSPI( ADS_NOP );
res[2] = rwSPI( ADS_NOP );
var = putcSPI( ADS_NOP ); //a NOP can be sent to force DOUT/DRDY high if no other command is pending
//ADS_CS = 1; //deassert chip select ---> THIS IS COMMENTED OUT TO KEEP CS LOW
result = 0x00;
result = res[0] & 0xFF; //must & 0xFF otherwise random errors occure
result = result << 8;
result = result | ( res[1] & 0xFF );
result = result << 8;
result = result | ( res[2] & 0xFF );
return( result );
Any suggestion is very welcome!
Hi Atilla,
The code snippet you provided for the ADS1248 seems OK, but I wonder about the comment in there regarding 'must & 0xFF otherwise random errors occur'. What is the source of the noise on the DRDY line in your screen capture? Can you post another screen capture showing a close up of the SDI/SDO and SCLK?
Hi Tom,
Thank you for the fast reply!
Here are the signals of reading data: green: SCLK, yellow: DIN
Green: SCLK, yellow: DOUT/DRDY
And a closeup fom the same signals:
There are quite big under and overshots, and the reason may be that all the circuit is put together on a breadboard with long and crossing wires. There is also an SD card on he same SPI lines. But there is no major change in he signal shape if I remove the card.
What could be done to clean up the signals?
The 'must & 0xFF otherwise random errors occur' comment is a workaround for a compiler error, because sometimes the shift 8 bit operation is interpreted badly. But this is a problem with the language, not the hardware, because the values of the "res" vector are always correct. Only the concatenation of the 3 bytes has problems...
If SDATAC mode is selected, there is no automatic update to DOUT/DRDY. This includes the DRDY going low as well. DRDY will follow as you expect in RDATAC mode.
Best regards,
Bob B
Hi Bob,
You are right. If I send RDATAC command, it works well. Thank you for your help!
Best regards,