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DAC 12 bit 4 channels, evaluation module or code examples

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC7614, TLV5614, DAC7564, DAC7565, DAC7554, DAC7573, DAC7574, DXP

Can anybody recommend a 12 bit DAC, easy to use, with some code examples or evaluation board with software, like DAC7614, TLV5614 or similar.  

I need to generate 4 analog output voltages using an MSP430 (SPI or I2C) to control each channel.  

  • Hi Kevin,

    I do not need bipolar, only 0-5V, or 0-2.5V and scale the voltage later with some op amps, but I do not know how to control the DACs with the MSP430, I only used SPI for character displays.

  • TB,

    DAC7554 may be your best bet in terms of simplicity and as a novice with the SPI interface. This is a simple 16-clocks wide frame that will interface your MSP430 pretty well and the pin out is just the essentials. Alternatives I would suggest are the DAC7565 and DAC7564. These devices are very similar but the DAC7565 offers more flexibility for POR output settings and reset output settings. These devices also feature power down modes. Interfacing these devices will be a little more complex as they use 24 bit frames but your MSP430 should still be capable of handling the task.

    Another set of alternatives I would suggest are the DAC7573 or DAC7574. These are I2C devices if you are more comfortable using that interface. Again, very similar parts but the DAC7573 has more address combinations allowing more devices to be on the bus.

    All of the DACs suggested here have evaluation modules and have support of our evaluation software called DXP. DXP wont write code for you but you can use it with an EVM to see what your serial interface from your MSP430 should look like.

    If you need further assistance, either in narrowing down your DACs or with the MSP430 code feel free to ask.

  • Thank you Kevin,

    I will check out these options and keep looking for an EVM with an MSP430 and a DAC on board (Olimex type) with some code examples that I can use.



  • Teo,

    Right now we don't really have anything 'out of the box' from the PA side of things that pairs a DAC with an MSP430. All of the EVMs and EVM-PDKs that we offer could be paired up with an MSP430 LaunchPad or other MSP430 EVM pretty easy though with some jumper wires.

    I have been tinkering with the idea of a simple DAC board for the MSP430 LaunchPad. Your feedback is appreciated, I know there is interest in such a kit now.