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LM1972 clock frequency

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM1972

Hi    This   is   ben.

This  device  usesd   to   MP.

LM1972 connected to CPU.   The purpose   is   for   writing   in   register.


Then ,it's  question.

For setting  writing  clock  that    the OK clock    is  1.6MHz  ,   the NG clock  is  2.6MHz.

2.6MHz  is   first time  is  NG  t ,  second time  is  OK   for   power on .

① 2.6MHz  clock   is   ok  clock?

② What  reason   first time is NG

③ detaseet p3   shows   fclk  is   typical 3      and    limit  2MHz,    please OK  clock  range.


Thank  you  for  your  consideration.