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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMP90099, LMP90100

I want to set the LMP90099 in scan mode 2.  I will be scanning 6 channels.  It is not clear how you read the 6 channels.  It seems like I should use the Controlled Streaming approach.  This looks like you specify to read 3 registers starting at ADC_DOUT and it seems if I kept reading 6 channels worth of data (18 bytes) I would have all my ADC values in a single SPI transfer.

Is this how it works?  Are you guaranteed that you will have ADC0 to ADC5 in the received data?  Or do you need to something else to determine the order?  Or... does it even work this way.  It's not real clear how to get multiple ADC channels since there in essence is only a single register for all the channels.


  • Hello,

    You can use DRDYBCase3 shown on page 40 of the datasheet.  When DRDYB is asserted issue a read command using controlled streaming as shown on page 47.  Read registers 0x19 to 0x1C.  Register 0x19 bits 2:0 show the channel number that is in the ADC data being read.   The DRDYB signal will be asserted every time new data is available in the ADC registers.

    The code application note (snaa134) on the LMP90100 web page has some good information and code for reading the data from the ADC registers.
