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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC16DX370, ADC16DX370EVM

Hi,I'm Japanese Disty.
Please help me.

My customers are using an evaluation tool "ADC16DX370EVM" of ADC16DX370.

What is "Calibrate ADC" of a tool?
What is the role of "Calibrate ADC"?

Please tell me whether specifically it is controlling what.
(For example, what is doing what setting anywhere in the address)

Contact reason:
When my customer press the button "Calibrate ADC", SYNC, LINK is enabled.
Then, the communication is established with the KC705 that is connected to the previous FMC connector.
If my customer don't press the button "Calibrate ADC",it does not work.

Please teach me.
Best regards.

  • Hello Ryuji,

    The 'Calibrate ADC' Button executes the register instructions in the \ADC16DX370EVM\Configuration Files\Cal_ADC_DIVCLKx_370M.cfg file in the GUI installation directory. This file increases the internal clock divider by a factor of 2x and performs a soft powerdown cycle which initiates the ADC's foreground calibration. The clock divider is then set back to to the desired value at the end of the register instructions. Note that the file selected is dependent on the desidered setting of the clock divider (CLKDIV). For instance, CLKDIV is set to 2, then the 'Calibrate ADC' button will execute the Cal_ADC_DIVCLK2_370M.cfg file. This calibration procedure is described in the datasheet.

    Regards, Josh