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ADC32J44: TI HSDC pro reference design for the Xilinx ZCU102 eval kit

Part Number: ADC32J44


I was wondering if you have a reference design for evaluating the ADC32J44 with the ZCU102 zynq ultrascale+ evaluation board and the TI HSDC pro software. If not could you point me to the FPGA HDL design files for the ZC706 board? Do you have any plans of releasing a reference design for the ZCU102 in the near future?



  • Hi

    We don't have a ZCU102 reference - but we do have a reference for ZC706. The firmware project is available here:

    Look in the Software section.

    If you need further support please contact Xilinx as these examples were generated by Xilinx. We demo'd them with the TSW14J10EVM which allowed our HSDC Pro software to interface directly with the Xilinx platforms.

  • Hi Ken,

    Thanks for the ZC706. I know xilinx has a JESD204B example but I am not sure how difficult it would be to make the HSDC pro software work with the ZCU102. Could give me an Idea of what it would involve to make the HSDC pro software communicate with the ZCU102 board? The HSDC pro software would probably not even recognize the ZCU102 board.

  • Hi Nagaraj,

    The firmware needs to be able to respond to the SPI commands from the HSDC Pro via the USB/SPI interface.  This is handled in the firmware for the KC/VC/ZC7/KCU105.  Without the proper firmware HSDC Pro will not be able to recognize or communicate with the FPGA platform.

    You may be able to take the firmware from Xilinx and target the ZCU102 - however you will need to fix any issues that come up.  Xilinx may be able to help with this port, but unfortunately we don't have the bandwidth to do that from this forum.
