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DAC38RF89: fPFD Datasheet has a max spec of 500 MHz; DAC38RF8x EVM GUI supports 625 MHz

Part Number: DAC38RF89

Curious what is the spec for fPFD 500 or higher?

  • Douglas,

    The max the fpfd can operate at is 500MHz. The equation for this is fpfd = VCO/(4 * M), where M an integer set by the user between 1 and 32. In theory, the GUI can set fpfd to be higher than 500MHz with an in proper setting of M (bits 7:3 in the CLK_PLL_CFG register). After determining the value that the VCO will be operating at, make sure that when you set the value for "M", the fpfd stays below 500MHz. See section 8.4.3 in the data sheet for more information regarding this.

