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Hi there,
For a few days I'm trying to communicate to the ADC on my board. As a µC I'm using a Atmega168 and its Hardware SPI Pins. I've already tried different SPI-Modes but without success. At several places on the net i read that the time interval between DIn and DOUT (t6) is very critical. So i added a delay of 50 µs in my SPI-transceiver method.
I thought i could start simple and try to read out the STATUS-register of the chip. So i sent the commands to the chip. Problem is i am always reading back "0xFFFFFFFF" even if i change the register to be read to DRATE or something else. So thats not valid. I'm new to this kind of ADC communication so maybe i am doing something completely wrong.. I will add my code here maybe someone instantly could identify some mistakes. I'm not using the external interrupt for !DRDY yet. In the main-loop i am only reading the status register at 1000ms intervals.
The scematic of the chip is according to the dataseet page 28. Thank you very much
#define BAUD 115200UL #define UBRR0_Value (F_CPU/(16*BAUD)-1) #include <avr/io.h> #include <util/delay.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> static void uart_transmit_char (unsigned char ch) { while (!(UCSR0A & (1<<UDRE0))) { ; } UDR0 = ch; } static void uart_transmit_string (char * s) { while (*s) { uart_putc (*s); s++; } } char UART_receive(void){ while(!(UCSR0A & (1<<RXC0))); return UDR0; } void UARTinit(){ UBRR0H = (unsigned char) (UBRR0_Value >> 8); UBRR0L = (unsigned char) UBRR0_Value; UCSR0B = (1<<TXEN0) | (1<<RXEN0); UCSR0C = (1<<UCSZ00) | (1<<UCSZ01); } void spi_init() { DDRB = (1<<5)|(1<<3)|(1<<2); // MOSI, !CS , SCK as Output SPCR = (1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR)|(1<<SPR0); // SPI Enable, SPI = Master, Prescaler = 16 } unsigned char ADS1255_transceive (unsigned char data) { SPDR = data; while(!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF) )); _delay_us(50); // wait for 50µ until DOUT (t6) return(SPDR); } char ADS1255_Read_Status(){ char ans; // Return variable PORTB &= ~(1 << PORTB2); // !CS = LOW _delay_us(10); ADS1255_transceive(0x10|0x00); // Send RREG command (Status) _delay_us(10); ADS1255_transceive(0); // read one register _delay_us(10); ans = ADS1255_transceive(0); // send Dummy-Byte and save return value _delay_us(10); PORTB |= (1 << PORTB2); // !CS = HIGH _delay_us(10); return ans; } int main(void) { char test; DDRD &= ~(1 << 2); PORTD |= (1 << 2); EICRA |= (1 << ISC00) |(1 << ISC01); EIMSK |= (1<<INT0); // external Interrupt (!DOUT) at INT0 UARTinit(); // UART spi_init(); // SPI //sei(); while(1) { test = ADS1255_Read_Status(); uart_transmit_char(test); _delay_ms(1000); } } ISR(INT0_vect){ // !DOUT-Interrupt }
Hi Christopher,
thank you for your answer. I did the steps you recommended to me. I checked the Crystal and it is oscillating just fine as you could see in the first picture. Its a 7.3728 MHz Crystal so also the frequency looks good.
Next i probed the SPI Pins. My board ist configured as a stacked PCB i am not able to measure directly at the Pins. So i had to measured at the pinheaders which are connecting the to boards. But beside the three resistors in the input lines there is nothing between the measuring points and the pins of the chip.
I added the the SDATAC command and also a wakeup command before i am trying to read the status register. The following pictures are showing the recorded SPI lines. All the three commands cam be seen on the pictures. I think the signals are looking okay so far. But no matter what i do the DOUT Line stays quiet as you can see in the last picture. I can only record to channels so i did three different picures. On every picture channel one (yellow) is showing the !CS line. First picture channel two ist the DIN line and second the SCK line. What do you think? Thank you very much.
Here is the code.
#define BAUD 115200UL #define UBRR0_Value (F_CPU/(16*BAUD)-1) #include <avr/io.h> #include <util/delay.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> // Send char via UART //__________________________________________________________ static void uart_transmit_char (unsigned char ch) { while (!(UCSR0A & (1<<UDRE0))) { ; } UDR0 = ch; } // Send string via UART //__________________________________________________________ static void uart_transmit_string (char * s) { while (*s) { uart_putc (*s); s++; } } // Receive Byte via UART // _________________________________________________________ char UART_receive(void){ while(!(UCSR0A & (1<<RXC0))); return UDR0; } // Configure UART //__________________________________________________________ void UARTinit(){ UBRR0H = (unsigned char) (UBRR0_Value >> 8); UBRR0L = (unsigned char) UBRR0_Value; UCSR0B = (1<<TXEN0) | (1<<RXEN0); UCSR0C = (1<<UCSZ00) | (1<<UCSZ01); } // Configure SPI // ________________________________________________________ void spi_init() { DDRB = (1<<5)|(1<<3)|(1<<2); // MOSI, !CS , SCK as Output SPCR = (1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR)|(1<<SPR0); // SPI Enable, SPI = Master, Prescaler = 16 } // Send SPI Data and return the return byte //________________________________________________________ unsigned char ADS1255_transceive (unsigned char data) { SPDR = data; while(!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF) )); // Wait until transmission complete _delay_us(20); // wait for 20µ until DOUT (t6) return(SPDR); } // Read Status-Register of ADS1255 // _______________________________________________________ char ADS1255_Read_Status(){ char ans; // return value PORTB &= ~(1 << PORTB2); // !CS = LOW _delay_us(20); ADS1255_transceive(0b10|0x00); // Send RREG command (Status) //_delay_us(10); ADS1255_transceive(0); // read one register //_delay_us(10); ans = ADS1255_transceive(0); // send Dummy-Byte and save return value // _delay_us(10); PORTB |= (1 << PORTB2); // !CS = HIGH _delay_us(20); return ans; } int main(void) { char test; // External Interrupt for !DRDY //_______________________________________________- DDRD &= ~(1 << 2); PORTD |= (1 << 2); EICRA |= (1 << ISC00) |(1 << ISC01); EIMSK |= (1<<INT0); // Start UART and SPI //_______________________________________________ UARTinit(); spi_init(); _delay_ms(500); // wait for 0.5 sec // Send SDATAC Command //____________________________________________ PORTB |= (1 << PORTB2); _delay_us(20); PORTB &= ~(1 << PORTB2); // !CS = LOW _delay_us(20); ADS1255_transceive(0xF); // SDATAC PORTB |= (1 << PORTB2); // !CS = HIGH _delay_us(20); //___________________________________________ //sei(); while(1) { // senbd WAKEUP command //__________________________________________________ PORTB &= ~(1 << PORTB2); // !CS = LOW _delay_us(20); ADS1255_transceive(0); // Send WAKUP PORTB |= (1 << PORTB2); // !CS = HIGH _delay_us(20); // read status register every second //_____________________________________________ test = ADS1255_Read_Status(); // Send RREG command (Status) uart_transmit_char(test); // Send register value via UART _delay_ms(1000); // wait 1 sec } } ISR(INT0_vect){ // !DOUT-Interrupt }
Hi Christopher,
DOUT is connected to the MISO Pin of the Atmega and to the ISP-header for programming the µC. But the ISP-connector is just for programming and not connected while testing the ADC. So no, nothing else is connected to that pin.
I have seperated the AGND and DGND on the PCB, but directly under the ADC they are connected.
Yes the ground planes of the two boards are connected through the pinheaders. Also the same voltage regulator (3,3V) supplies the µC and the ADC.
/PDWN and /RESET are constantly tied to 3,3 V. so there is no chance that they are held low. Ich will add a part of my scematics here. The pinheader on the right is connecting to the second board where the µC is placed. Any ideas? Thank you.
Hi Christopher,
maybe i can try another device. But i have to set up a whole new prototype board for it, because i will be quite hard to desolder just the single device.
I only have this screen, which ist showing the last part of the command sequence. It shows the SCLK and DIN oft the RREG command for the status register. Otherwise the combination of picture 2 and 3 of my second post showing the whole sequence of SCLK and DIN. Thank you very much again.
Hi Daniel,
That's a good observation, I didn't notice that. However, I almost said something about the same RC time constant-like charging that appears on the /CS signal...
From what you've shown, I only see 100 Ohm series resistors on the SPI signals, which I wouldn't expect to be large enough to cause these effects. Are there any other components that connect to these signals? Also, it isn't clear to me if your MCU on the same PCB or a separate PCB from the ADC?
SCLK is a high impedance input on the ADS1255, so I wouldn't expect there to be any issue with driving this signal low. If there is nothing else on this signal that could be pulling it high, I might try to see if I could measure a voltage difference between the ADC's DGND and the MCU's GND to see if perhaps there is some difference in the ground references of these devices.
Best regards,
thank you for your answer. Sorry if I didn't write clearly about the PCB situation. The ADC and the MCU are not on the same PCB. I made one PCB for the analog circuit and the mix device (ADC). On a second PCB there are the MCU and the voltage regulators. The two PCBs are connected through pin headers. So the SPI signal is leaving the ADC runs through the pin headers and than straight into the MCU. There is nothing else between it. No other devices except the ISP are connected to the SPI bus.
On the schematics I've posted a few posts ago, you can the the pin header connection. On the following picture there is the counter part on the second PCB (MCU). As you can see. Nothing besides the ISP. The MCU and ADC are placed close to the pin headers on their PCB.
I also just measured the potential between GND (MCU) and DGND (ADC). Its 0.00 V. I expected this, because the ground of MCU und ADC are connected through the pin headers.
Hi Chris,
first of all I have good news. The ADC ist working. Shame on me... I've found a solder bridge under the microscope between SCLK (Pin18) and D0 (Pin19). I couldn't see it by eye or magnifying glass. I didn't measured it yet but i think that might be the reason why SCLK doesn't go down to ground and the ADC doesn't receive a proper clock signal. Now i can read and write registers without any problems at all. I kept on programming and now try to read data from the ADC. And now i am getting into trouble again. According to the datasheet the ADS1255 is putting out the data in 2's complement. Now i am not sure if I have to manipulate the data before combining the three bytes together. I read this article
It’s in the math: how to convert an ADC code to a voltage (part 1)
and tried the code example, but it's not working as expected. In the article they are not talking about the 2's compliment.
First i will explain my signal flow a little bit further. I want to measure a thermocouple voltage. I have an amplifier, which is doing the cold junction compensation and putting out 5 mV/°C. After that there is another unity gain amplifier who is creating a differential signal and functions as ADC-driver. The differential signal is than going into the ADC. There is no additional gain in the ADC.
For testing I took my multimeter with its integrated temperature sensor and measured into hot water (80 °C). On my PCB I have two test points. One after the thermocouple amplifier and one after the unity gain amplifier which is creating the differential signal. After the first amplifier i measure around 395 mV. With 5 mV / °C its very close to 80 °C. So its doing the job.
On the differential lines after the second amplifier i measure on the negativ line 3.56 V and on the positiv line 1.46 V. The common mode output voltage of the output ist 2.5 V. So the differential voltage 0.4 V. Exactly what i want to measure. So far so good.
Now i am trying to measure these 400 mV with the ADC. For doing it i first calculated the LSB according to the datasheet page 23. I have connected a 2.5V reference.
LSB = 2 * 2500 mV ((2^23) - 1) = 0.000596047... mV / Bit
I send the RDATA command an after that 3 dummy bytes to get the conversion result. For the rest i followed the marked article. I am than multiplying the result value with the value of LSB to get the voltage in mV. But what i get is kind of random numbers so i think there is something wrong with my calculation. The output of the ADC is something around "6" or "7" when the thermocouple is in hot water. If i put in in cold water its "12" or something. So not very reasonable. Sometimes its switching between negativ and positv values.
As i was able to read and write registers i think that the communication in general is working. But somehow i can't get reasonable Outputs.Is there anything i have to do after reading the values regarding 2's compliment or something?
Sorry for alle the questions but i am new to ADCs and want to learn.
Would be great if somebody can have a look. Thanks a lot.
Here is my code:
#include <avr/io.h> #include <util/delay.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define BAUD 115200UL #define UBRR0_Value (F_CPU/(16*BAUD)-1) #define CS_LOW PORTB &= ~(1 << PORTB2); #define CS_HIGH PORTB |= (1 << PORTB2); #define REG_Status 0x00 #define REG_DRATE 0x03 volatile int Drdy_flag = 1; //UART functions_________________________________________________________________ //________ Configure UART _______ void UART_init(){ UBRR0H = (unsigned char) (UBRR0_Value >> 8); UBRR0L = (unsigned char) UBRR0_Value; UCSR0B = (1<<TXEN0) | (1<<RXEN0); UCSR0C = (1<<UCSZ00) | (1<<UCSZ01); } // _____ Send char via UART ______ static void UART_transmit_char (unsigned char ch) { while (!(UCSR0A & (1<<UDRE0))) { ; } UDR0 = ch; } // ______ Send string via UART _____ static void UART_transmit_string (char * s) { while (*s) { UART_transmit_char (*s); s++; } } // _____ Receive Byte via UART ____ char UART_receive(void){ while(!(UCSR0A & (1<<RXC0))); return UDR0; } //end UART functions______________________________________________________________ // SPI functions__________________________________________________________________ // _____ Configure SPI ______ void SPI_Init() { DDRB |= (1<<5)|(1<<3)|(1<<2); // MOSI, !CS , SCK as Output SPCR |= (1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR)|(1<<SPR0)|(1<<CPHA); // SPI Enable, SPI = Master, Prescaler = 16 } // ____ Send SPI Data and return the received byte _____ unsigned char ADS1255_transceive (unsigned char data) { SPDR = data; while(!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF) )); // Wait until transmission complete _delay_us(20); // wait for 10µ until DOUT (t6) return(SPDR); } // Analog-digital converter (ADS1255) functions_________________________________________ // _____ Read register of ADS1255 and return register value _____ void ADS1255_Init(){ CS_LOW; ADS1255_transceive(0xFE); UART_transmit_string("ADS1255 RESET"); UART_transmit_char('\r'); _delay_us(5); ADS1255_transceive(0xF); UART_transmit_string("ADS1255 SDATAC"); UART_transmit_char('\r'); _delay_us(10); ADS1255_transceive(0xF0); _delay_ms(1000); UART_transmit_string("ADS1255 Offset and Gain Self-Calibration"); UART_transmit_char('\r'); _delay_us(10); CS_HIGH; } char ADS1255_Read_Register(char reg, char num){ char ans; CS_LOW; // !CS = LOW ADS1255_transceive(0x10|reg); // Send RREG command (Status) ADS1255_transceive(num); // read one register ans = ADS1255_transceive(0); // send dummy byte and save received value CS_HIGH; // !CS = HIG _delay_us(10); return ans; } void ADS1255_Write_Register(char reg, char num, char data){ CS_LOW; // !CS = LOW ADS1255_transceive(0x50|reg); // Send RREG command (Status) ADS1255_transceive(num); // read one register ADS1255_transceive(data); // send dummy byte and save received value CS_HIGH; // !CS = HIG _delay_us(10); } int32_t ADS1255_Read_Data(){ int32_t result = 0; uint8_t ADC_bytes[3]; CS_LOW; _delay_us(5); ADS1255_transceive(0x01); ADC_bytes[0] = ADS1255_transceive(0); // ADC_bytes[1] = ADS1255_transceive(0); ADC_bytes[2] = ADS1255_transceive(0); _delay_us(10); CS_HIGH; _delay_us(5); if (ADC_bytes[0] & 0x80) // negativ { result = (int32_t) (((0xFF)<<24)|((ADC_bytes[0]&0xFF)<<16)| ((ADC_bytes[1]&0xFF)<<8)| ((ADC_bytes[2]&0xFF)<<0)); } else // positiv { result = (int32_t) (((0x00)<<24)|((ADC_bytes[0] & 0xFF)<<16)| ((ADC_bytes[1] & 0xFF)<<8)| ((ADC_bytes[2] & 0xFF)<<0)); } Drdy_flag = 1; // DRDY_flag back to 1 --> all values read return result; } // Gerneral functions _____________________________________________________________ // ____ configure external interrupt for !DRDY _____ void External_Intterrupt_Init(){ DDRD &= ~(1 << 2); PORTD |= (1 << 2); EICRA |= (1 << ISC00) |(1 << ISC01); EIMSK |= (1<<INT0); } // ____ INT0 external interrupt service routine _____ ISR(INT0_vect){ Drdy_flag = 0; } // Main funcion _____________________________________________________________________ int main(void) { int32_t result = 0; double voltage = 0; char buf[32]; _delay_ms(3000); // startup delay UART_init(); SPI_Init(); ADS1255_Init(); External_Intterrupt_Init(); sei(); while(1) { if (Drdy_flag == 0) // data available? { result = ADS1255_Read_Data(); // read ADC data voltage = (double)result*0.0005960; // convert to voltage [V] _delay_ms(100); UART_transmit_string("ADC Value: "); UART_transmit_string(itoa(voltage,buf,10)); // convert voltage to string floating point yet UART_transmit_char('\r'); } } }
Hi Daniel,
Great news, I'm glad you were able to figure out what was preventing you from communicating with the ADC!
Regarding the data formatting, I think you are doing things correctly... Since the ADC data is signed two's compliment, all you need to do is sign-extend it into a signed 32-bit integer, as you are doing.
One observation I had is that you are missing the "t6" delay between the RDATA command and when you start sending dummy bytes to retrieve the ADC data. Try adding a short delay there and see if that doesn't improve your results.
Another thing I would do if I was debugging is to print out the values that you are collecting into "ADC_bytes[0]", "ADC_bytes[1]", and "ADC_bytes[2]" and seeing if those values make any sense and if the concatenated signed 32-bit "result" value is correct. Hopefully it is...I wrote that example code :)
Best regards,
Hi Chris,
I want to send you some feedback to thank you for your help. Everything works now as expected. I read in several of your posts (also in other threads) that its good practice to write all the registers of the ADC manually and not rely on its default settings. I did this now! There where also some type cast issues when putting the three data bytes together.The MSB where missing all the time so i sent out a 16 bit value...Thats was the reason why the sent values always changed from negativ to postive in short time intervals.
Regarding your code example ... I tried it out exactly this way, but it didn't work out for me. Maybe i did something wrong. What i noticed in your code example. If my eyes aren't to old i count 11 x "(" but 13 x ")" after the return command and (int32_t)-type cast. So maybe there is something wrong about the "bracket situation" while putting the bytes together? But nevermind, probably i just got something wrong :)
Thank you again for your patience and your help.
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for the feedback! I think you are right about the number of brackets mismatching in that example; I'm sorry for the confusion. Also, I only tested that code in CCS using TI compilers, so the code might behave differently using other compilers. Regardless, I'm glad your code is working now!
Best regards,