Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI
I am using the AC lead-off function to measure electrode impedance. I am finding that the excitation current is very low. From analysis of the AC lead-off circuit, with AVDD=2.5V and AVSS=-2.5V, the peak-to-peak squarewave current with only the positive side enabled should be 5V/10M= 500nApp and 250nA ACrms. With the patient protection resistor at 6koms and all of the leads shorted to RLD Out, the voltage out should be 3mVpp or 1.5mV ACrms. I am getting a much lower value of ~2microvolt ACrms. I have measured the current with a meter with DC lead off and I get values within the nominimal range (~250 nAdc). For the AC lead-off, the currents are very small and difficult to measure. Do you have any suggestions?