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DAC121S101: DAC121S101

Part Number: DAC121S101


I have a question about the difference between the DAC121S101QML-SP and the DAC121S101 / Q1 in term of : Dye design, Process manufacturing and technology.

Thank you in advance for your answer


  • Hind,

    From what I can see the die dimensions appear to be different between the two, though I do not yet have the complete story behind the developments as I was not involved in this particular development.

    They were on the same process.
  • Hello Mr Duke,
    Thank you very much for your answer.
    I have a second question about the radiation resistance (SEE, SET, dose) of component DAC121S101 / Q1. Would you have radiation data for this same component please?
  • Hind,

    Radiation testing is not part of a standard product release flow, therefore catalog devices like the DAC121S101 do not have this data available as it was never tested. Automotive qualified devices also do not include radiation testing as part of the release flow as automotive requirements do not conventionally have these needs - except for maybe the Tesla Roadster floating around in space these days!