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Dear TI Support,
I am having a problem with getting the modulator failure interrupts to work on the AMC1210 device, and was hoping to get some help.
I have an AMC1210 device connected to four AMC1203 devices. Each AMC1203 device has the MDAT line and MCLK line connected to their corresponding INx and CLKx pin on the AMC1210 chip.
I have been testing the modulator failure interrupt by disconnecting the MCLK pin from the CLKx pin of the AMC1210. When I do this, the INT interrupt from the AMC1210 does not trigger, and the contents of the interrupt register says that a modulator failure has not occurred for any of the inputs.
From my understanding, when the CLKx signal is less than 1/64th of the AMC1210 system CLK, then the modulator failure interrupt should trigger for the given input. When disconnecting the MCLK pin from the CLKx pin, the CLKx pin will be set to constant 0V (as I have observed from measurements), which in turn should cause the AMC1210 to detect that the CLKx signal is less than 1/64th of the AMC1210 system CLK. Am I correct in thinking this?
I am also sure that the INT pin is being triggered correctly, as I have tested this using the high-level threshold and low-level threshold interrupts.
The device settings that I am using are given below:
Control Reg: 0x6000
Clock Divider Reg: 0x0800
For all inputs:
Control Parameter Register: 0x0000
Sinc Filter Register: 0x0DFF
Integrator Parameter Reg: 0x0400
Comparator Filter Reg: 0x0200
Kind Regards,
Ben Gittins
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the reply.
I tried your suggestion with connecting a signal generator to the CLKx input.
I have input a square wave signal into the CLKx pin with a frequency of 1.4 MHz (which is slower than 1/64th of the system CLK (1.406MHz) ).
Doing this did not cause the interrupt to trigger.
I also tried increasing the frequency from the signal generator to 10 MHz, then decreasing it back to 1 MHz, which also did not cause the interrupt to trigger.
Kind Regards,
Ben Gittins
Hi Ben,
Still working on this one with mixed progress - we're consulting the C2k team for additional help with our code.
Hi Alex,
I'm just wondering if you have made any progress with this at all?
Kind Regards,
Ben Gittins
Hi Ben,
Unfortunately not. I haven't been able to get it to trigger reliably without immediately being cleared.
Hi Alex,
Do you know why it is not triggering without immediately being cleared? Is it due to the software you are using? Or is it due to the way the chip itself is function?
Also may I ask the conditions you have to trigger it in the first place?
Kind Regards,
Ben Gittins
Hi Ben,
It's due to the software I'm using - it was written to perform a certain function and "reset" if something wasn't right, like when the clock is missing.
Just removing the CLKx line like the test you're trying to perform.
Since I'm not having much luck with editing the code, I've gone through your register settings again and have a few things I'd like you to try/confirm.
Just confirming that your master CLK line is coming from the MCU? If possible, can you provide a schematic? If you're not comfortable sharing on the forum let me know and I can send you and email offline.
Can you read the register values back to confirm they're being written correctly?
Confirming that the channel register settings are being written to multiple locations since each channel has a separate register.
Try enabling the acknowledge flag. Change Sinc Filter Register from 0x0DFF to 0x0FFF. Can you see this flag toggle as data comes in?
Is everything else setup before setting MFE to high? Clock Divider Reg: 0x0800
Hi Alex,
Sorry for the long delay.
I won't be able to provide a schematic, however I can let you know that the signal on the CLK line of the AMC1210 is supplied by a 32 MHz clock oscillator chip.
The register values I gave to you initially were confirmed by reading back from the registers.
I have also previously seen the acknowledge flag toggle as data comes in.
The Clock Divider Register is the last register I configure, with the MFE set to high.
Kind Regards,
Ben Gittins