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ADS8674: EVM Data Communication Error

Part Number: ADS8674
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8678

Hey guys,

I am working with the ADS8678 EVM and appear to be having some issues with the communication. I have the board configured with default jumper settings and the GUI recognizes that the SDCC is connected. The problem is that I am unable to read registers from the ADC and am pretty sure there is no communication between the SDCC and ADC. When I probe SCLK, it looks like the clock frequency is actually running close to 25MHz, which is higher than the maximum 17MHz specified in the datasheet. 

This was brought up before in this post: but the user seemed to have corrected his issues by using 50 Ohm termination resistors on the data lines. These appear to be present on the EVM, but I am still not able to read registers. Any ideas?