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DDC264: Higher Johnson noise than expected

Part Number: DDC264


While using the DDC264EVM I am able to reduce the noise to around 6ppm with proper shielding around the circuit, matching the datasheet of the DDC264. This is done by wiring all of the 10Mohms resistors from the DDC264's input to ground. By lowering the resistor value, the noise is expected to increase because of the Johnson noise in the resistor. There should not be any 1/f noise as no current is flowing through the resistor. My problem is that when using a lower resistor value (228k, 56k or 18k) the noise is 3-4 times higher than expected. As I understand, the RMS noise should follow sqrt( (4*Kb*T) / (R * 2* Tint) ).

For a integration time of 160us and the gain set at 3 (37.5pF) the gain of the DDC264 is supposed to be close to 1040ppm/nA. For a 56k resistor, I should see a current noise of 30pA, corresponding to close to 30ppm. What I see is closer to 105ppm. The same pattern is true for other resistors values.

Can you point out how to solve this problem ?

Best regards,