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ADS54J20: How to control the ADC sampling by myself whenever

Expert 1015 points
Part Number: ADS54J20
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS54J64EVM, ADC12DJ3200, ADC12J4000

Hi team,

     The input signal is very short,so i want to control the ADC sampling when received the sampling enable.How can i achieve the function on the ads54j20evm or ads54j64evm?What does i need to do? 

  • Suy,

    Not sure what you asking for. Is the input a pulse and you want to capture data when this pulse occurs? If so, send the pulse signal to both the ADC and the TRIG_IN SMA J13 on the TSW14J56EVM and setup HSDC Pro GUI to trigger using an external trigger. More information regarding this can be found in the HSDC Pro GUI User's Guide.



  • Jim,

       Yes,i do that only for reducing the power dissipation when the pulse is not in。I will do that according your suggestions.

  • Jim, The J13 connector is a USB connector on ADS54J64EVM, does your meanning is sending the pulse to the J23 or J24 connector and linking to the TRIGAB or TRIGCD pin?
  • Suy,

    Neither one of these parts supports external triggering. The ADS54J64EVM schematic shows TRIGAB and TRIGCD, but when the final silicon was released, these inputs became "No Connect" pins.

    If you need triggering, look at the ADC12J4000/2700/1600 family, the ADCD1800/1600/1000 family, or the ADC12DJ3200.

