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LMP92018: LMP92018 Power Consumption

Part Number: LMP92018

Hi Paul,

Sorry for the delayed response.

I need to know if 4mA is the maximum current consumption or its only regards to the DAC outputs. If it is not, please advise what is the maximal current consumption of this device.

It is not so clear in the datasheet.



  • Hi,

    Device consumes 4mA supply current (max), without  load current you are sourcing from the device.

    When you start sourcing current from device,  it has to come from the device supply. say you are sourcing 5mA from device output, supply current will become 9mA (approx.)

    With respect to the max current device can source, its 10mA continuous. and  short circuit current is 67mA. 

    Please note that if the short circuit current is sustained for long time, device can damage.



  • Hi Akhilesh,

    What is the max current consumption in the VGPIO and VIO pins?



  • Hi Shlomi,

    I expect the VGPIO and VIO current to be very low, <50uA at idle, as these only supply internal level shifters. During communication, the current might increase, but that is dependent on the load on the pins.  For example, the SDO and GPIOs (as outputs) will have to drive any resistive load on the pins.

    That being said, I do not have characterization data for those inputs.

