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ADC12DJ3200: JESD struck at CGS, SYNC pin not going high.

Part Number: ADC12DJ3200
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK04828, LMX2592


We are using ADC12DJ3200 operated in JMODE 5 for 5 GSPS. We are operating the serdes at 6.25 gbps x 8 lanes.

Sysref (19.53125 MHz) and dclk (156.25 MHz) for FPGA generated from LMK04828 and ADC sampling clock generated (2.5 GHz) from LMX2592.

ADC sysref also generated from LMK04828 (19.53125 MHz) for F=1 and K=32. Both FPGA and ADC are operated with same settings.

We have monitored dclk and sysref for FPGA, we are operating in LVDS and within the FPGA specs for receiving.

The sysref clock to ADC is operated with LVPECL(1600) from LMK04828, circuit to similar to ADC eval boad HSP001.

We are able to read and write the ADC. ADC debug status register reads 0x1C. ADC seems to be responding ok. But the Sync is low.

We are using PHY + JESP IP, FPGA side receives some junk data not 0xBC. 

Please help, we are struck at this stage.


Rajesh khanna

  • Hi,

    pls find the fpga mapping.


    Swap in the RX4 to RX7, taken care in PHY through rxpolarity register. (0xF0).


    Rajesh khanna.

  • We will look into this for you.  Clocking may be the issue.  --RJH

  • Rajesh,

    What is the clock rate of the ADC input clock? This should be 2.5GHz for your setup. Are you seeing 0xBCBC on any lanes when SYNC is low?  Can you send your ADC register settings.



  • Hi Jim,

    After some debugging through various posts, we found the clock from LMK is not stable. Once we made the clock stable.

    We were able to pass through the JESD initialization. ADC input clock from LMX is 2.5 GHz.

    Now we are finding random failure like some times JESD initialized successful, while other times it is failing.

    We do following.

    1. JESD RX core in reset.

    2. Configure LMK.

    3. Configure LMX.

    4. Configure ADC.

    5. Configure JESD RX core.

    6. Generate Sysref

    7. Release JESD Rx core reset.

    8. Wait for delay (100 ms)

    9. Check for status in 0x38.

    If JESD link not established how do we reestablish the link.

    --- ADC12DJ3200 Registers ---------
    Addr  Rdata     Name
    0x000 0x0030  Configuration A Register
    0x002 0x0000  Device Configuration Register
    0x003 0x0003  Chip Type Register
    0x004 0x0020  Chip ID Registers LSB
    0x005 0x0000  Chip ID Registers MSB
    0x006 0x000A  Chip Version Register
    0x00C 0x0051  Vendor Identification Register LSB
    0x00D 0x0004  Vendor Identification Register MSB
    0x010 0x0000  User SPI Configuration Register
    0x029 0x0060  Clock Control Register 0
    0x02A 0x0000  Clock Control Register 1
    0x02C 0x0099  SYSREF Capture Position Register
    0x02D 0x008D  SYSREF Capture Position Register
    0x02E 0x00B1  SYSREF Capture Position Register
    0x030 0x00C4  INA Full Scale Range Adjust Register
    0x031 0x00A4  INA Full Scale Range Adjust Register
    0x032 0x00C4  INB Full Scale Range Adjust Register
    0x033 0x00A4  INB Full Scale Range Adjust Register
    0x038 0x0000  Internal Reference Bypass Register
    0x03B 0x0000  TMSTP+/- Control Register
    0x048 0x0000  Serializer Pre-Emphasis Control Register
    0x060 0x0001  Input Mux Control Register
    0x061 0x0001  Calibration Enable Register
    0x062 0x0001  Calibration Configuration 0 Register
    0x06A 0x000B  Calibration Status Register
    0x06B 0x0000  Calibration Pin Configuration Register
    0x06C 0x0001  Calibration Software Trigger Register
    0x070 0x0001  Calibration Data Enable Register
    0x07A 0x00B9  Channel A Gain Trim Register
    0x07B 0x00A5  Channel B Gain Trim Register
    0x07C 0x000A  Band-Gap Reference Trim Register
    0x07E 0x009D  VINA Input Resistor Trim Register
    0x07F 0x00AB  VINB Input Resistor Trim Register
    0x080 0x00C1  Timing Adjustment for A-ADC, Single Channel Mode,FG Calibration Register
    0x081 0x0080  Timing Adjustment for B-ADC, Single Channel Mode,FG Calibration Register
    0x082 0x00B9  Timing Adjustment for A-ADC, Single Channel Mode,BG Calibration Register
    0x083 0x00A1  Timing Adjustment for C-ADC, Single Channel Mode,BG Calibration Register
    0x084 0x00E7  Timing Adjustment for C-ADC, Single Channel Mode,BG Calibration Register
    0x085 0x0080  Timing Adjustment for B-ADC, Single Channel Mode,BG Calibration Register
    0x086 0x0069  Timing Adjustment for A-ADC, Dual Channel Mode Register
    0x087 0x009A  Timing Adjustment for C-ADC acting for A-ADC, DualChannel Mode Register
    0x088 0x00A4  Timing Adjustment for C-ADC acting for B-ADC, DualChannel Mode Register
    0x089 0x0080  Timing Adjustment for B-ADC, Dual Channel Mode Register
    0x08A 0x00A4  Offset Adjustment for A-ADC and INA Register
    0x08B 0x0007  Offset Adjustment for A-ADC and INA Register
    0x08C 0x000A  Offset Adjustment for A-ADC and INB Register
    0x08D 0x0008  Offset Adjustment for A-ADC and INB Register
    0x08E 0x0000  Offset Adjustment for C-ADC and INA Register
    0x08F 0x0008  Offset Adjustment for C-ADC and INA Register
    0x090 0x00FB  Offset Adjustment for C-ADC and INB Register
    0x091 0x0007  Offset Adjustment for C-ADC and INB Register
    0x092 0x006D  Offset Adjustment for B-ADC and INA Register
    0x093 0x0007  Offset Adjustment for B-ADC and INA Register
    0x094 0x00FA  Offset Adjustment for B-ADC and INB Register
    0x095 0x0007  Offset Adjustment for B-ADC and INB Register
    0x102 0x0064  Timing Adjustment for Bank 0 (0� Clock) Register
    0x103 0x0081  Timing Adjustment for Bank 0 (-90� Clock) Register
    0x112 0x0080  Timing Adjustment for Bank 1 (0� Clock) Register
    0x113 0x0080  Timing Adjustment for Bank 1 (-90� Clock) Register
    0x122 0x006C  Timing Adjustment for Bank 2 (0� Clock) Register
    0x123 0x0071  Timing Adjustment for Bank 2 (-90� Clock) Register
    0x132 0x0080  Timing Adjustment for Bank 3 (0� Clock) Register
    0x133 0x0080  Timing Adjustment for Bank 3 (-90� Clock) Register
    0x142 0x00AF  Timing Adjustment for Bank 4 (0� Clock) Register
    0x143 0x0080  Timing Adjustment for Bank 4 (-90� Clock) Register
    0x152 0x0080  Timing Adjustment for Bank 5 (0� Clock) Register
    0x153 0x0080  Timing Adjustment for Bank 5 (-90� Clock) Register
    0x160 0x0000  LSB Control Bit Output Register
    0x200 0x0001  JESD204B Enable Register
    0x201 0x0005  JESD204B Mode (JMODE) Register
    0x202 0x001F  JESD204B K Parameter Register
    0x203 0x0001  JESD204B Manual SYNC Request Register
    0x204 0x0002  JESD204B Control Register
    0x205 0x0000  JESD204B Test Pattern Control Register
    0x206 0x0000  JESD204B DID Parameter Register
    0x207 0x0000  JESD204B Frame Character Register
    0x208 0x001C  JESD204B / System Status Register
    0x209 0x0000  JESD204B Channel Power Down
    0x210 0x0000  DDC Configuration Register
    0x211 0x00F2  Over-range Threshold 0 Register
    0x212 0x00AB  Over-range Threshold 1 Register
    0x213 0x0007  Over-range Configuration Register
    0x214 0x0001  DDC Configuration Preset Mode Register
    0x215 0x0000  DDC Configuration Preset Select Register
    0x216 0x0002  Digital Channel Binding Register
    0x217 0x0000  Rational NCO Reference Divisor Register
    0x218 0x0000  Rational NCO Reference Divisor Register
    0x219 0x0002  NCO Synchronization Register
    0x297 0x0000  Spin Identification Register
    0x2B0 0x0000  SYSREF Calibration Enable Register
    0x2B1 0x0005  SYSREF Calibration Configuration Register
    0x2B2 0x0000  SYSREF Calibration Status
    0x2B3 0x0000  SYSREF Calibration Status
    0x2B4 0x0001  SYSREF Calibration Status
    0x2B5 0x0000  DEVCLK Aperture Delay Adjustment Register
    0x2B6 0x0000  DEVCLK Aperture Delay Adjustment Register
    0x2B7 0x0000  DEVCLK Aperture Delay Adjustment Register
    0x2C0 0x0001  Alarm Interrupt Status Register
    0x2C1 0x000D  Alarm Status Register
    0x2C2 0x0000  Alarm Mask Register


    Rajesh khanna.

  • Rajesh,

    Why are reading register 0x38 for status? This is the internal reference BG_Bypass register. There is no status found here. What is the status of the SYNC? Is it toggling or stuck low? This needs to be driven low by the FPGA to start the link configuration. Try disabling the sysref receiver circuit (set address 0x29 to 0x00).

    Try using the default values for the timing adjustment registers as well. Can you send your portion of the schematic that shows the ADC, LMK and LMX? 



  • Hi Jim,

    Sorry it is 0x38 in xilinx JESD IP Register. Whereas we also read 0x208 in ADC register. In eval board we are getting 0x7C.

    Occasionally our board also working, but most of the times it is struck at CGS.

    Sync when not working is struck at zero and ADC jesd status(0x208) register reading 0x1C.

    DCLKOUT2P/2N and SDCLKOUT3P/3N is connected to FPGA are length matched with LVDS (240 ohm is DNP).

    SDCLKOUT_13P/13N is connected to ADC for sysref (240 ohm resistor with 0.1 uf series coupling capacitor, operating on LVPECL1600 from lmk)


    Rajesh khanna.

  • Hi Rajesh,

    I would suggest you reduce the sampling clock frequency( maybe by factor of 2) and see if you are still seeing the same unstable behavior. If the system is stable as lower sampling frequency( hence lower serdes speed). It would mean data integrity issue. Also have you tried test modes on such as PRBS pattern?



  • Hi,

    I have reduced the speed and checked. We are getting same problem.

    We have monitored the SERDES data from ADC we are able to see clearly the character's .

    There is no degradation of the signal using high speed scope for low speed and high speed.

    We also verified the device clock and sysref to FPGA which are also stable.

    Rajesh khanna.

  • Hi Rajesh,

    There is an option to use get the JESD initialization done without the syncse signal. This process is manual but should be worth a try.

    1. Write the value of 0x00 to register address 0x200. This will disable the JESD block

    2. Write the value of 0x0A to register address 0x204. This will ignore the status of SYNCSE pin

    3. Write the value of 0x00 to register address 0x203. This will act like SYNCSE pin is pulled low and the ADC will start sending BC BC chars.

    4. Reset and release the IP on the FPGA side. ( The FPGA will pull the syncse signal low and will expect the BC BC chars. Since the ADC is already sending BC chars the FPGA can lock to the it and will expect data)

    5. Write the value of 0x01 to register address 0x203. This will act like SYNCSE pin is pulled high and the ADC will start sending data.

    Please see if this process is working for you. If this working than I would mean either SYNCSE signal is not routed properly, SYNCSE signal is not meeting the recommended voltage level or maybe syncse signal is inverted on FPGA side.

