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ADS1605EVM how to read values​​?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1605


ADS1605 to the TMS320C6713 and experiment with this during the following situations occur can not start.

SLAU122A for experiments in the document "Getting the Most From You EVM" ADS1605_configure function, but in the report
Program does not go beyond this.

Debug is waiting indefinitely in all matters IRQ_Test function.

For the environment


  5-6 K Interface Board Rev. B

  ADS1605EVM Rev. A

  CCS 3.1 compiler

5-6 K Interface Board jumper settings and ran it as SLAU122A, ADS1605EVM jumper is the default.
HWI_INT8 of the function in the tidc_api.h _DCPDISP_dispatchEdmaIsr've put the function name.

ADS1605 using the function wizard, the DCP has generated a return code.

Dc_conf.h below is generated by the DCP.

      / * {{TIDC_Wizard Auto Code Start * /
/************************************************* ***************/
/ * Don't change anything here until you know what you are doing! * /
/ * The plug-in will change all text between the code marks * /
/ * Without user interaction! * /
/ * * /
/************************************************* ***************/

# Ifndef DC_CONF_H
# Define DC_CONF_H

/ * ADC 1 parameter data * /
# Define ADC1_TYPE ADS1605
# Define ADC1_ADDRESS (0xA0000000)
# Define ADC1_BITSHIFT (0)
# Define ADC1_INTPOL (1)
# Define ADC1_SETUPEMIF (1)

/ * DSP parameter data * /
# Define TMS320C6713BGDP (1)
/ * CSL device build option * /
# Define CHIP_6713 (1)
# Define DSP_FREQ (225) / * in MHz * /

# Endif / * DC_CONF_H * /

/************************************************* ***************/
/ * END OF DC_CONF.H * /
/************************************************* ***************/
/ * TIDC_Wizard Auto Code End}} * /


The following is the main.c source.

# Include "t1605_fn.h"
# Include "tidc_api.h"

# Include "Configuration1cfg.h"

# Include <csl.h>
# Include <csl_irq.h>

# Include <log.h>

# Define BUFF_SZ (1024)

unsigned short Buffer [BUFF_SZ];

void main (void)
          int iStatus;

iStatus = ADS1605_configure (& Ads1605_1); <- infinite loop
if (! (iStatus == TIDC_NO_ERR))
       LOG_printf (& trace, "Error ADC");
      abort ();

IRQ_globalEnable ();

while (1)
        while (Ads1605_1.xferInProgress);
        ADS1605_readblock (& ​​Ads1605_1, Buffer, BUFF_SZ, 0);


And in the 4-3 Page SLAU122A document example "ADS1605-C6713.pjt" Where is it? If you do, please send us.

Test the source is attached.