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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC8564

Hi everybody,

I want to connect the DAC8564 with PIC18F2550 but I have two problems :

1- the SYNC pin of the DAC , to which pic pin's should be connected ??

2-for th Din of the DAC should it be connected to RX or to SDI ??

i'm really confused and I need your help pls

  • Moving this to the Precision Data Converters forum.

  • Hi Green,

    Green Youss said:
    1- the SYNC pin of the DAC , to which pic pin's should be connected ??

    This is something you may have to double check with Microchip. SYNC can be assigned to any general use digital I/O pin. In page 197 of the PIC18F2550 datasheet, in the description of register SSPCON1 it is mentioned that if you program the SSPM3:SSPM0 bits to 0101 you can use the SS pin as I/O. Maybe you can use this or another I/O pin to control SYNC.

    SYNC must be pulsed before a transmission.

    1. It must be brought HIGH and then LOW before a transmission starts.
    2. The update of the DAC output is not dependent on SYNC.


    A simple way to implement this is to:

    1. Keep SYNC HIGH while idle.
    2. Bring SYNC LOW before a transmission.
    3. Bring SYNC HIGH after a transmission.

    Green Youss said:
    2-for th Din of the DAC should it be connected to RX or to SDI ??

    The DIN (Data In) pin of the DAC should be connected to the SDO (Serial Data Out) of the PIC. This is indeed the RX pin.

    Hopefully this helped you. Let me know if you need anything else.

  • Hello , 

    Thank you soo much thats help me soo much  :)

    Can I ask another question please, if I want to work with the internal oscillator of pic18F2550 , is it precise ? 

    How can I know if I will get a good precision or not !!! 

  • Green,

    I think your questions are best suited for the good people at Microchip. There is nothing intrinsic to the DAC8564 that requires precise digital timing, though your specific application may require it.