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ADC Recommendation for 1.8V I2C interface

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1115, ADS7142, PCA9306, ADS7924

Hello Team,

I would like a recommendation for an ADC that can meet the following characteristics:

1) I2C communication to the processor at 1.8V

2) Resolution can range from 10 - 16 bits

3) Multiple voltage references, have to have at least 3.3V of range, but would prefer several references for signals of different levels

4) 16 analog inputs, but this can be comprised of multiple ADCs (i.e. 2 x 8 analog inputs)

I tired looking at the parametric search, but I cannot filter by the I2C communication at 1.8V since there is no filter for Vdd

Thank you in advance for your support!


  • Jared,

    I don't think there's anything in the delta-sigma devices that goes that low in supply. For the ADS1115/1015 family, the min supply is about 2.0V. However, on  the SAR side of data converters there is the ADS7142 which should operate down to 1.65V.

    If there is a higher supply available, you can always use an I2C level shifter for communications and I've seen the PCA9306 used for that.

    Joseph Wu

  • Jared,

    Kaustubh Gadgil just pointed out to me that if they need a multi channel device an ADS7924 (4 channel) is also an option. The digital supply will go down to 1.65V, but a separate analog supply will require a higher voltage.

    Thanks Kaustubh!

    Joseph Wu