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How to Get K2L-HSP FMC Adapter GUI Software

Hello Team,

From 66AK2L06 DSP+ARM® Processor JESD204B Attach toADC14X250/DAC38J84 Design Getting Started Guide  Page8:

There is a description of the software in the link file above, but the download address of the software can not be found. Where can I get this software?

Ps:I found the following posts, but the shared file or folder link has been removed or is unavailable:

  • Hi Amy

    Looks like the folks that worked on developing/supporting this software are no more associated to the product group.

    I will check if this software was hosted on any publicly accessible server - if not , it maybe difficult for us to get this to you.

    Do note that this TI Design/software will not be relevant if you do not have the DLC card. 

    Additionally please also note that K2L family has recently been NRND, so if this is a new development - do refer to the guidance on the following FAQ

    I am marking the post resolved - but if I find any internal archive that we can readily share, I will reopen the post.



  • Hi Amy 

    I will close this offline with you with the code I got from my colleagues.

    Unfortunately I do not have clear understanding on software licensing for it, so I do not plan to share it on the public e2e forum.

