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ADS7142: cannot get correct conversion result.

Part Number: ADS7142

I'm working with the ADS7142 device using a nordic Platform with I2C. 

this is my configuration:

header file using ADS7142RegisterMap.h in sbac201a。

IIC frequency is 400K

static uint8_t const offset_cal[] = {SINGLE_REG_WRITE, ADS7142_REG_OFFSET_CAL, ADS7142_VAL_TRIG_OFFCAL};
static uint8_t const channel_input_cfg[3] = {SINGLE_REG_WRITE, ADS7142_REG_CHANNEL_INPUT_CFG, ADS7142_VAL_CHANNEL_INPUT_CFG_1_CHANNEL_PSEUDO_DIFF};
static uint8_t const operation_mode_sel[] = {SINGLE_REG_WRITE, ADS7142_REG_OPMODE_SEL, ADS7142_VAL_OPMODE_SEL_I2C_CMD_MODE_W_AUTO_SEQ_EN};

static uint8_t const auto_seq_channel_cfg[] = {SINGLE_REG_WRITE, ADS7142_REG_AUTO_SEQ_CHEN, ADS7142_VAL_AUTO_SEQ_CHENAUTO_SEQ_CH0};

static uint8_t const start_conversion_cfg[] = {SINGLE_REG_WRITE, ADS7142_REG_START_SEQUENCE, ADS7142_VAL_START_SEQUENCE}; //start
static uint8_t const abort_conversion_cfg[] = {SINGLE_REG_WRITE, ADS7142_REG_ABORT_SEQUENCE, ADS7142_VAL_ABORT_SEQUENCE}; //abort

app_twi_transfer_t const ads7142_init_param[] = {
APP_TWI_WRITE(ADS7142_SLAVE_ADDR, abort_conversion_cfg, sizeof(abort_conversion_cfg), 0),
APP_TWI_WRITE(ADS7142_SLAVE_ADDR, offset_cal, sizeof(offset_cal), 0),
APP_TWI_WRITE(ADS7142_SLAVE_ADDR, channel_input_cfg, sizeof(channel_input_cfg), 0),
APP_TWI_WRITE(ADS7142_SLAVE_ADDR, operation_mode_sel, sizeof(operation_mode_sel), 0),
APP_TWI_WRITE(ADS7142_SLAVE_ADDR, auto_seq_channel_cfg, sizeof(auto_seq_channel_cfg), 0),
APP_TWI_WRITE(ADS7142_SLAVE_ADDR, start_conversion_cfg, sizeof(start_conversion_cfg), 0),

nrf_drv_gpiote_in_config_t ads_config = GPIOTE_CONFIG_IN_SENSE_HITOLO(true); 

nrf_drv_gpiote_in_init(ADS7142_BUSY_PIN, &ads_config, mg_adc_read_handler);     ///And BUSY/RDY PIN ,  Falling edge trigger interrupt.

static void read_ads7142_cb_handler(ret_code_t result, void* p_user_data) {
for(;i < 4;i++){
NRF_LOG_INFO("adc: %#x\n", m_adc_buffer[i]);

void ads7142_data_read(void) {
static app_twi_transfer_t const transfers[] = {
ADS7142_READ(ADS7142_SLAVE_ADDR, m_adc_buffer, 4),
static app_twi_transaction_t const transaction = {
.callback = read_ads7142_cb_handler,
.p_user_data = NULL,
.p_transfers = transfers,
.number_of_transfers = sizeof(transfers) / sizeof(transfers[0])};

APP_ERROR_CHECK(app_twi_schedule(&m_twi_ads7142, &transaction));

I can read register value correctly.

After this configuration, read ADS7142_SLAVE_ADDR  4 bytes. 

no matter I start_conversion_cfg or abort_conversion_cfg, my interrupt is not triggered.

manual call   ads7142_data_read() read conversion funtion four times, get result followed.

:INFO:busy pin:0:INFO:aaaaaaaaa
:INFO:adc: 0xe0
:INFO:adc: 0x40
:INFO:adc: 0xff
:INFO:adc: 0x10
:INFO:busy pin:0:INFO:aaaaaaaaa
:INFO:adc: 0xee
:INFO:adc: 0x40
:INFO:adc: 0xeb
:INFO:adc: 0xe0
:INFO:busy pin:0:INFO:aaaaaaaaa
:INFO:adc: 0xf8
:INFO:adc: 0
:INFO:adc: 0xf6
:INFO:adc: 0xe0
:INFO:busy pin:0:INFO:aaaaaaaaa
:INFO:adc: 0xf7
:INFO:adc: 0x70
:INFO:adc: 0xff
:INFO:adc: 0x50

 The received values are changing all the time and this value is too large.

  • Hello,

    one way to debug your code is to use an oscilloscope probed on the digital communication lines

    This will give a visual check as to what the device is seeing and sending and can be compared to what was expected from the code

    The oscilloscope shots are male it much easier for debugging then code.

    I suggest starting with manual mode, one channel, and collect data.

    Use a known DC input to compare the output with the expected output.

    Once that is working, other features can be integrated

