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TX7332: Swaroop Board Delay profile

Part Number: TX7332


i have swaroop board with me and i have connected with phased array transducer. In GUI control im setting quick setup,i will click DUT HW Reset and click the Initialize device, then i will select the number transmitter and number of receiver finally i got the data. now i want to introduce delay in the transmitter side. In delay profile, what is profile number? delay profile has 32 filed. my delay is 

    2.50118967315205e-07    1.33609420495914e-07    4.69233113979527e-08   0   0    4.69233113979527e-08     1.33609420495914e-07   2.50118967315205e-07

those 8 delays i have to give 1-8 TX and RX all

then those delays i have to give 2-9 TX and Rx all likewise

those delays i have to give upto 57-64 TX and RX all.

please reply how to select and store the delays. Thank you