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ADS127L01: Question about INL

Part Number: ADS127L01

Hi Guys

ADS127L01 is 24bits ADC. its INL is 5ppm MAX. How to convert to LSB? 5*2^24/(10^6)=83.89 LSB? so huge LSB?



  • Hello Pengfei,

    Yes, this is correct when you express INL as LSB for a 24b data converter.  Please keep in mind that the voltage is quite small.  5ppm of a 5V peak-to-peak full scale range is 25uV maximum.  This is why the gain and offset error for a high resolution ADC are usually expressed in ppm(gain) and uV(offset).  If you converted to LSB, both of these values would look much larger.

    For 16b and lower resolution ADC's, each LSB is equal to a much larger voltage, so it is more convenient to express INL in LSB's.

    Keith Nicholas
    Precision ADC Applications