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ADC128S022: Pin FMEA: VA shorted to GND

Part Number: ADC128S022

Hi team,

My customer will use ADC128S022 and he is evaluating failure mode.

He operates ADC128S022 as VA=5V and VD=3.3V, all IN0~IN7 are connected to GND,  DOUT/SCLK/CS/DIN are pulled up to 3.3V and connected to FPGA.

When he shorted VA to GND for around 100us, the device got excessive heating(230C).

Do you have any idea why the device got excessive heating when VA is shorted to GND?

(e.g. Pull-up digital pins to 3.3V violates absolute rating of "Voltage on any pin to GND" and it causes conduction of internal diode and it damaged the device)

Best regards,

Shota Mago