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PCM5100A / fs=8kHz and audio data bit=16bit

Guru 29710 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM5100A

Hi Team,

I heard my customer's system requires sampling frequency(fs) = 8kHz and audio data bit=16bit (mono).
Should I consider PCM5100A doesn't support the requirement with 3-Wire PCM from Table 11?

I would like to ask if PCM5100A supports the requirement with 4Wire-I2S.

Best Regards,
Yaita / Japan disty

  • It is really strange. According to Table 10 it looks like it IS supported, but Table 11 tell that it is NOT supported. Maybe somebody from TI can clarify this conflict.
  • Hi Kensuke,

    Please reference the following test I have confirmed on the bench:

    3 wire I2S:
    LRCK: 8 kHz, BCK 256 kHz - Works, mono
    LRCK: 8 kHz, BCK 512 kHz - Works
    LRCK: 16 kHz, BCK 512 kHz - Works, mono
    LRCK: 16 kHz, BCK 1.024 MHz - Works

    4 Wire I2S:
    SCK: 2.048 MHz(256*Fs), LRCK: 8 kHz, BCK 256 kHz - Works, mono
    SCK: 2.048 MHz(256*Fs), LRCK: 8 kHz, BCK 512 kHz - Works
    SCK: 4.096 MHz(256*Fs), LRCK: 16 kHz, BCK 512 kHz - Works, mono
    SCK: 4.096 MHz(256*Fs), LRCK: 16 kHz, BCK 1.024 MHz - Works

  • Hi Justin-san,

    I appreciate for your support.
    I understood PCM5100A is operable with fs = 8kHz and audio data bit=16bit (mono) but it isn't recommend in datasheet in terms of jitter performance of internal PLL.

    (datasheet page 25)
    Table 11 describes the minimum and maximum BCK per LRCK for the integrated PLL to automatically generate an internal SCK.

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Yaita-san,

    Correct, what is named in the data sheet will be what is tested and verified as meeting the data sheet spec, anything outside of those operations is not guaranteed to meet spec.
