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TLV320AIC3104-Q1: Testing TLV320AIC3104 for stuck at faults

Part Number: TLV320AIC3104-Q1


we are testing TLV320AIC3104-Q1 device for stuck at faults(scan) using V93K tester. Do we need to program some registers, to make the device into scan test mode. Currently our pattern has the following register settings. Are these settings correct to test the device for scan testing. Please help us.

Register#            #Data

Register0             0000 1101

Register3             0010 0000

Register13           0000 1101


Santhoshkumar M

  • Hi, Santhoshkumar,

    I think your question requires some clarification.  The AIC3104-Q1 does not feature a test  scan feature for fault monitoring.

    This device has some  registers which will indicate if some issue is occurring on the device, these registers are sticky until a read process on the register happens. Register 11 of Page 0 indicates if overflow is present on the codec, while Register 96 of Page 0 indicates if a short-circuit condition is detected on HPOUT or HPCOM outputs.

    Can you explain more about the registers you are configuring?.

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Hello Melendex Lopez,

    Thank you for the reply and i would try to give some more clarification. According to the inputs provided to us, it is mentioned that it is a Digital Scan for testing the stuck at faults where 160 patterns/chains are used. Each chain in the pattern has DIN as Scan input and WCLK as Scan Out pins. After resetting the device, the below are the only 3 registers we are setting before running the actual scan pattern.

    Register# #Data

    Register0 0000 1101

    Register3 0010 0000

    Register13 0000 1101

    "The AIC3104-Q1 does not feature a test scan feature for fault monitoring."
    Please help in understanding the above point. Does it explains, there is no feature for TLV320AIC3104-Q1 to test stuck at faults?

    Santhoshkumar M
  • Hi, Santhoshkumar,

    Thanks for the additional information. I am not familiar with the type of testing you are trying to do, so I understood you were trying to scan the faults in the codec itself. The codec does not have a feature to test stuck-at faults. I have not seen this test implemented on this type of devices so I wonder if this is actually something possible with audio codecs. DIN is used as the digital data in for the DAC and WCLK is used as the frame clock, I don't see a way to use them to scan the device for faults. Do you have any documentation or information where these inputs were provided?.

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer