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CCS/MSP430F4793: Odd display of "Function Subsections" compiler option in CCS for the MSP430 TI v16.9.0.LTS compiler

Part Number: MSP430F4793

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

When using CCS to check the compiler options for a MSP430F4793 project using the MSP430 TI v16.9.0.LTS compiler noticed an "odd" display for "Functions Subsections" in the project properties under Build -> MSP430 Compiler -> Advanced Options -> Runtime Model Options :

This is odd since there is no compiler option in brackets after the description, and the combo box for the "Function Subsections" entry contains no options.

There is a note on the Wiki page that the  --gen_func_subsections option is not available for the MSP430 compiler, so guess "Function Subsections" shouldn't be shown on the project properties for a project using the TI MSP430 compiler.