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CCS/TMS570LS0714: J-Link Failed to Set Device

Part Number: TMS570LS0714
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SEGGER, RM44L520, TMS570LS1224, RM46L852

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

I have a board with a TMS570LS0714. I am trying to connect using a J-Link EDU under CCSv7 on mac (I have also tried and failed with CCSv6 on windows). 

I have set the project processor and the target configuration processor to the TMS570LS0714. When I try to debug, I get the following error: 

Error connecting to the target:
runJLinkCommand: ERROR : Failed to set device.

I have also tried changing the procID in the "jlinkcortexr4.xml" file to match the one in the processor data sheet, which is shown below. I still get the same error. 

<isa Type="Cortex_R4" ProcID="0x0BB0302F">

The J-link package has been updated. Also, sometimes, when selecting the J-link debugger in the target configurations window, I am shown a vastly reduced set of processors to choose from. The reduced set does not include the chip I'm using, and it more closely matches the compatibility list on the Segger site. 

I would like to know the source of the "Failed to set device" error message. It looks like cortex R4 compatibility is included in the Segger CCS drivers, but is there an ID somewhere else that I should change so that the debugger will see my device?

Note that I can get sometimes get some sort of JTAG communication when setting the target configuration device to TMS570LC43xx (which is a Cortex-R5), as I see a blinking orange and green light on the debugger, and the current consumption of my board fluctuates. However, this ends in an error including "..._IsHalted() call failed ... memory map set to 0x00," if I remember right. 

  • Richard,

    I have forwarded this thread to the Segger support team.

  • Hello Richard,

    John forwarded this inquiry to us.

    Right now, TMS570LS0714 is not officially supported by the J-Link software, see list of all supported devices here:

    This is the reason for the "runJLinkCommand: ERROR : Failed to set device." error message.
    We are in contact with TI regarding getting all required materials to add official support. Once official support is available, it should work within CCS as well.

    Would you like to be added to the J-Link software update notification list,
    so you get informed automatically when the new version becomes available?

    Best regards,
  • Hi Erik,

    Great, thanks for the update!

    I was comparing the data sheets between the TMS570LS0714 and the RM44L520, and the JTAG sections are identical. Additionally the memory maps are almost identical, with the RM44 device specifying 1MB of flash (in the data sheet), whereas the TMS570 has 768K. However, the RM44 product website lists the device as having 768K of flash, meaning that the memory maps are likely identical. I'm not sure which source to believe, and I think this is an error in either the website or the data sheet.

    Assuming the memory maps and JTAG specifics listed in the data sheet are identical, should I expect to be able to program the TMS570 by setting up the environment for an RM44L520 (which is supported by J-link), or are there factors I'm not considering?

    Is there any way for me to modify CCS or the config files to make the TMS570LS0714 work quickly, given that other very similar devices are supported by J-link?

  • The CPU is little endian for RM devices whereas TMS570 is big endian.

    I have an RM46 LaunchPad. I configured CCS to have an RM46L852 connected using the onboard XDS110. I was able to connect. I then switched CCS to TMS570LS1224. CCS was able to connect. In both cases CCS detected the device as little endian so that was ok.

    I am not sure if the J-Link will read something out of the device to confirm what is connected. You could give it a quick try to see what happens.

  • John,

    I configured CCS to connect to an RM44L520, and manually set the project and target config endianess, as well as switching to the correct endian runtime support library. The J-Link definitely tries to connect, as I can see the current fluctuating and lights blinking.

    However, I see the following errors in CCS:

    CortexR4: Error: Stat [ JLINKARM_IsHalted() call ] failed!
    CortexR4: Unable to determine target status after 20 attempts
    CortexR4: GEL Output: 	Memory Map Setup for Flash @ Address 0x0

    Then an "Unable to connect to target" window pops up.

    Do you have any pointers as to what could be causing this? I'm trying to totally rule out a hardware issue. The memory map issue is particularly weird, as the RM and the 570 have the same memory map. I know there's nothing that says that this should work, but I'm trying to understand what the errors mean while waiting on official support to be introduced.

