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Part Number: DLP5531LEQ1EVM

Only one side of the DLP evaluation board is working.  It seems a bad contact in the conector of the alimentation.  And the left side is not working properly always, in fact.  It depends on the contact of the conector.

  • Hello -

    I agree that this looks like a connection issue. My recommendation is to try to manipulate the DMD mounting screws and materials.

    If you cannot find a position that works reliably, then we can consider filing a return to replace the unit. 

    Please let me know if you have any luck in finding a reliable position. If not, then I will send you return information.



  • Hello Ross,

    Thanks for your fast answer.  We will try it.  If we can't improve it, then I will tell it to you.

  • Hello Natalia - yes, please let me know.

  • One question Ross, only to be sure.  My HW team is asking to me if they touch the connector and check the things that you're recommend, will be no problem after it to change the evaluation board if it still not working, right?  It's only to be sure that there is no problem with the guarantee or something like that.

  • Natalia - it's okay to touch these things to try and make it work. However, one thing to check - when did you buy the EVM? I believe there is a 90 day guarantee period for returns.



  • We have it since less than 3 weeks.  And we are starting to use it now.

  • Hello Natalia,

    Let us know if you find a reliably functioning position. Otherwise, you are still covered by the guarantee period.



  • We checked and the DMD is soldered bad.  The fail come frome there.  We saw it when we removed the heatsink like yeasterday tell us Ross.  I will prepare the DLP and I will send it back to you to replace it please.  

  • Hi Natalia - nice investigative work. I am sorry that this EVM is defective. There are some forms you will need to fill out on TI's website to initiate the return process. I will follow up with instructions.



  • Hello -

    In order to initiate a return of this EVM, please refer to the attachment. It includes instructions which will take you to the Customer Product Return (CPR) page on TI's website. This process will direct you to TI's quality and customer service department where they will help with the return process. Please let me know if you have any questions throughout this process. Hopefully you will receive a replacement soon and can continue your development with DLP technology.

    TI Customer Product Return Portal Links 2023 03 27.pptx



  • Hi Natalia -

    I've sent instructions on the return process. One final check: you mentioned that the DMD is soldered bad. Technically, the DMD package is not soldered; rather, it has pins which sit into a socket, and the socket is soldered to the board. The reason I make this distinction is because I'd like to confirm that the socket's solder to the board is defective - right? If the issue is with the DMD pins not being properly seated into the socket, then sometimes this can be corrected by removing the DMD from the socket and pushing it back in carefully.

    Perhaps you've confirmed this point already. In that case. please continue with the return process.



  • Hi Ross.  Yes, we checked it.   .  We are preparing it for the replacement.

  • Hello Ross,  Can you help me please with the info for the return?  Do you can explain me a little bit better which info is each one of the next questions, please?

    Failure date it's clear.  But the next... I have doubts.

  • Hello Natalia - for the Failure Date, you can enter the date that you started this E2E thread (April 13, 2023). For the other two fields, I am checking with my colleagues for guidance and will get back to you ASAP.

    Thanks for you patience,


  • Hello Natalia - 

    Regarding the DTC/LTC, it stands for the Die/Lot Trace Code and is typically used to give us a headstart on traceability for the DMD itself. Since your return is an entire EVM, this field is not relevant. Our recommendation is to just submit "NA" for this field. If NA is rejected, perhaps a serial number can be found on the EVM and used for this field.

    Regards Failure code, select something along the lines of "abnormal image" or "defective solder job." Again, this field is not as critical for EVM, especially considering this entire E2E thread related tot he failure.

    Let me know if you have any difficulties or more questions with the form.

    Thank you,


  • Hello Ross,

    TIcancelled the return of the EVM.  

    Do you can help me with it, please?  I need to send back to you and close this topic this week, please.

  • Hi Natalia -

    Can you please loop me into the email / discussion? Also, did you provide a link to this E2E thread - it should provide the evidence needed for our Quality Organization to approve this request.



  • Hello Ross, I did it this morning.  Lets see what your colleagues will answer us.  I told them that they must speak with you.

  • Hi Natalia -

    Thanks for the update. I have not seen anything yet on my side, but hopefully linking to this thread helps the approval.



  • Good Morning Ross,  Anything new?  I need to solve this topic this week.  

  • Hi Natalia - we are not in conversation with the Quality organization and are pushing them to approve the return.

    Thanks for your patience, we will keep you updated. 



  • Hi Natalia - we just received a response from the Quality organization that somehow we are not following the proper procedures. We will investigate further and get back to you as soon as possible.

    This process is new / has been updated recently, and this is our first time going through this route. I'm sorry for the difficulties.



  • Hi Natalia -

    We are exploring other options to issue a replacement. One manner would require your shipping and contact information. I will reach out to you via E2E direct messaging so that you can share this information and we will work on logistics internally.



  • Hello Ross,

    Thanks for your help.

    Here you can see the shipping info from CTAG:



    CTAG - Centro Tecnológico de Automoción de Galicia
    Polígono Industrial "A GRANXA", Calle "A“, 249-250
    Porriño 36475 (Pontevedra). SPAIN.
    Tlf: (+34) 986 900 300         Privacy Policy


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     And the contacts will be the next:

    Anything else that you need, tell it to me please.


  • Hi Natalia - thank you for sharing. We are working on the shipment logistics now.



  • Hi Natalia - we have submitted the paperwork to send you a replacement EVM. Your colleagues should be receiving a notification about the shipment tracking information soon.



  • Hi Natalia -

    I received an email notification about a post to this thread regarding the new evaluation board and how it is defective. For some reason, that post is not showing up for me now. Anyway, let me address that message.

    It seems the defective part from the replacement EVM is with the LED Driver Board (red PCB attached to an aluminum heatsink). With the original EVM, the defect was with the Controller Board (where the DMD socket connects to the PCB). My proposal is to mix-and-match these boards, by combining the functional boards from each of the two kits.

    I am sorry for yet another issue. Please try combining them to create a fully functional system, and let me know the results.



  • Hello Ross, I am happy to tell you that following your sugestion, we have been able to cobble up a working DLP proyector, and so far there seems to be no problem.

    Also I know it is a long shot, but is there any 3d model of the dlp proyector asembly somewhere?

  • Hi Natalia -

    Please check this section: 

    It contains CAD files for the full system.

