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DLPLCR4500EVM: black vector missing

Part Number: DLPLCR4500EVM

Dear TI Expert,

I am Leonardo Sacconi, the Principal Investigator of the OptoCARD Lab at the Institute of Clinical Physiology of the National Research Council.

We would like to employ the Lightcrafter 4500 in a straightforward scenario where the switch between two preloaded patterns (at 1-bit) is defined by the transition trigger line. For example, when a positive-edge trigger occurs, the DMD loads pattern 0 with a red LED and remains in this state for an indefinite time until a negative-edge trigger enables the switch to pattern 1 with a blue LED, and so on. What is crucial for us is that the trigger not only determines the transition between the two patterns (and colors) but also defines the illumination period.

We have made several attempts using the attached configuration.

We have observed that when the "Black vector missing" warning is displayed, the DMD responds according to our requirements. However, when the "Black vector missing" warning is off, the transition between the two patterns occurs but with a limited illumination time imposed by the software. It's disappointing that the "Black vector missing" warning appears randomly during every sequence verification, even if all the sequence settings remain the same.

Could you please explain what the "black vector missing" warning means? In general, do you have any advice on how to meet our requirements?

Let me add that I began using your Lightcrafter 4500 system over five years ago, and even though I have carefully studied the manual multiple times, I have unfortunately not been able to find any information related to this request.

Thank you very much for your attention and support.


Leonardo Sacconi

  • Hello Leonardo,

    Welcome back to the E2E forums and we hope to assist you with your question.

    Can you show a picture of where the "black vector missing" warning is showing up in the GUI? I do not see it in the image you provided.

    Can you also click the following button in the GUI called "save solution". This will provide me a .ini file that I can use to replicate your exact setup to try to replicate the issue on my side.

    Additionally, what binary firmware file are you using on your system or have you added or changed anything from the default firmware on the TI EVM? Could you also provide me with the binary firmware file you are using if you have made any changes?

    I also saw the following in the user guide (

    Is there something highlighted red in your GUI?


    Alex Chan

  • Dear Alex,

    Thank you very much for your prompt response.

    Attached you can find the requested info:

    - Screenshot of GUI with "black vector missing" warning in yellow.

    - We saved the solution as .ini file

    - Yes, we changed the default firmware on the TI EVM by uploading custom patterns. Attached is the file.

    Information on the "black vector missing" warning is very limited in the user guide and we are not able to understand its meaning.

    Independently from the "black vector missing" warning, we would like to know if the described configuration represents the proper solution to timing the switching between two preloaded patterns by an external trigger (see my previous description).

    Thank you very much for your valuable assistance,
    All the best,

  • Hello Leonardo,

    When I applied the ini solution you sent I was able to replicate the issue.

    I checked and I believe you do not have clear dmd after exposure time clicked or enabled in your patterns. 

    You can right click a pattern and then click the option to "clear dmd after exposure time". Add this each pattern individually. 

    Now you should be able to validate and see no black vector running error. 


    Alex Chan