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DLPC3478: Pattern handling in internal streaming mode

Part Number: DLPC3478

Hi, I am setting up a new system with light control internal streaming mode.

Finally I want to project 12 subsequent vertical pattern with 8 bit monochrom resolution each. I noticed that they will not fit into 1 pattern set for the DLPC3478. The max. number of 8bit vertical pattern is 6 (table 3-86 programmers manual)

In general I am a little confused about the handling of pattern sets anyhow.

1. Is there an option to hold different pattern sets in flash and load them when needed. So in my case 2 pattern sets with 6 pattern each?

2. The 12 pattern I want to project contain patterns, that have a 180° phase shift. I noticed that with command 98h there is an option to invert pattern. So theoretically I could work with 6 pattern if after displaying the 6 pattern I could display the same 6 pattern inverted. (Although not my favorite solution since it would make it impossible to use things like a black bias for the pattern).

Would that be possible?

3. I noticed that using 4bit pattern would allow me to keep the 12 pattern in the DLPC 3478, but honestly not my favourite solution....

What would be the solution you suggest?

Thank you so much


  • Hi Joerg,

    1. The software programmer's guide says there is a limit of 6 8-bit patterns per set, this means you can have multiple sets of 6 8-bit patterns. 

    2. You could invert the patterns, you would just have to send this command (98) before each set you want to invert/ or un invert.

    3.You are correct, but I believe in your application multiple patterns sets would be best. 



  • Hi Maximus, thank you for clarification.:-)

    Using 2 patternsets of 6 x 8bit each would be my favourite solution.

    Practically I have not understood how to activate one particular pattern set at a given time. So what would be the commands to first activate pattern set 1 and after displaying the 6 patterns included in that patterset load the second pattern set with the second 6 pattern?

    Thank you so much for your help!

    Best Joerg

  • Hi Joerg,

    No problem! In order to do this you will first flash the pattern sets, the DLP GUI can help you with this. You can then use command (9E) Write Internal Pattern Control to start/stop and repeat the patterns. This command will run each pattern set the # of times you configure it to repeat. Please see the DLPC3478 Software Programmer's Guide for more information.

