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DLPDLCR3310EVM: Need help adjusting the field of view on a projector.

Part Number: DLPDLCR3310EVM


We have found your small projector (DLPDLCR3310EVM) that looks suitable for our 3D-scanning project but the field of view is to big. We would like to get down to approx. 100x80mm. The question is if it's possible to put on a different lens or configurate the HW in some way to achieve this? If it's possible to adjust the field of view with a different lens, could you please give us an example of a compatible lens that would suit our project?

  • Hello Jonathan Andersson,

    Welcome to the E2E forums and we hope to assist you with your questions. 

    One method you can use to reduce the field of view is to use the display settings to crop or scale the image down in the GUI. 

    One other note is for a 3D scan application, we do recommend one of our light control platforms such as the DLP4710-LC. The DLP4710-LC has the same resolution but provides better support features and control for 3D scanning applications over the DLP3310 which is intended just for display applications.

    This EVM also has the same display settings to be able to crop or scale the image in its own GUI. 


    Alex Chan

  • Hello Alex!

    Thanks for the guidance.
    I took a look onto the specs and it says that the minimum diagonal size is 10 inch which is approximately 180x180mm field of view.

    We aim to get down to approx. 90x90 (5 inch diagonal size). Is there any possibility to add/change a lens to increase adjustment possibilities or is there a different projector that match our target?

    Best regards

  • Hello Jonathan,

    We have the DLP3010EVM-LC you can find more information about here.

    So this uses the same optical engine as another model DLP3010EVM-G2 which has the following specs:

    The G2 version is for normal display applications while the LC version is for light control which gives better control for 3D scanning. With the 5 inch image diagonal size, hopefully that can get you to your goal.

    Again both the G2 and LC use the exact same optical engine they are both made by Anhua which I confirmed with our team so they should both have the same optical engine specifications. I am not sure why the DLP3010EVM-G2 says eProtech. 

    Also with all of our EVMs, you have the option to crop the image which will reduce the image diagonal size as well. 


    Alex Chan

  • Hello,

    Yes that one looks great except that it only has a resolution of 720p compared to DLP4710 that has 1080p. This will affect the accuracy for our 3D-scan application in the end. Is it possible to use the DLP4710 and combine it with a different lens to achieve our targeted field of view and resolution?

    Best regards

  • Hello Jonathan,

    Thanks for clarifying your specifications and design requirements. 

    If you want to just experiment with adjusting the image diagonal size, you can buy some lenses and put it in front of the optical engine to see how the image diagonal size may change. 

    Your best option for a more permanent solution would be to reach out to the optical engine manufacturer which is Young Optics. It is difficult to just take out the lens and swap them out with new ones as they have to be matched and you need to know where the pupil plane is located.


    Alex Chan

  • Hello Alex,

    Ok I see. Thanks for the help and guidance!

    Best regards