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DLP6500FLQ: Synchronizing or externally clocking many DLP6500FLQ devices

Part Number: DLP6500FLQ
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPC900, DLPC910, DLPLCR65FLQEVM, DLPLCRC910EVM, DLPLCRC900EVM, DLPC3479

I am trying to synchronize a large number of DLP6500FLQ devices to start their frame all at the same time. It looks like the trigger on the board isn't capable of this, so I'm looking at the clock. Is there any way to clock all our devices to the same clock?

  • Hi Ryan,

    Please allow me some time to look into this when I get back into the office next week. I may need to talk to one of our other experts for additional assistance.

    Am I understanding you correctly in that you want many DLP6500FLQs to start video at the same time? May I know what application you are using this for? This may help us provide you with a better answer. I believe we have received a similar question in the past where someone wanted to sync multiple screens, where each individual screen made up a much larger screen of screens, if that makes sense.

    Michael Ly

  • Thanks for your response! I am working on an application where we have many short (<1us) pulses of light that will be synchronously shining on many DMDs. We need all the DMDs to be in-phase the moment the light pulses strikes them, so that we can repeatably manipulate each of the pulses with the DMDs.

  • Thanks for the info, Ryan! I'll see what my team and I can figure out. Please give me two or three days to get back to you on this.

  • Hi Ryan,

    May I know what controller you are using to control this DLP6500FLQ?

    I just realized this is not something I asked originally, but it would help out because the DLP6500FLQ is compatible with both DLPLCRC900EVM and DLPLCRC910EVM. (DLPC900 and DLPC910 chipsets.)

    If you are using the DLPLCRC910EVM, are you using the DLPLCR65FLQEVM?

    If you are using the DLPLCRC900EVM, I would assume you have your own, custom design for this DMD.

    Please let us know, and thank you in advance.

    Michael Ly

  • Michael,

    We are considering common off-the-shelf options for now. We currently have a projector with the DLPC3479, and we are considering a projector with the DLPC900. I must admit that I'm unfamiliar with the extended part numbers listed above. Is there a particular driver that would be more able to solve our problem?



  • Ryan,

    If you are using off-the-shelf options to get started, I would not use the DLP6500FLQ unless I were to drive it with the DLPC910 EVM. These two have EVMs that mate with each other. The DLP6500FLQ does not have a compatible EVM with the DLPC900, however (though the DMD and controller are compatible). I( apologize for the additional numbers thrown around in this paragraph.)

    The DLP6500FYE, however, does have an EVM compatible with the DLPC900's EVM.

    Just to loop back to the original question so I don't go off-topic, do you already have DLP6500FLQ DMDs, or is this just research you have done before making a decision?

    I have not gotten a reply back from my colleague yet on this, but I'll send a follow-up now that it has been a couple days.

    Michael Ly

  • Thanks Ryan,

    I talked with my coworker, and he said he will have to think this over. Would you like to take this offline? I will send a friend request to you to get your email address.

    Michael Ly

  • Hi Ryan,

    I will be closing this thread for now, as it looks like you are making good progress with our other apps engineer from the DLP(R) Pico team. You may still open the thread back up by posting a new comment within 14 days, however.

    Michael Ly