DLPC231S-Q1: Some capacitor values are different between datasheet and reference design.

Part Number: DLPC231S-Q1


Every bypass capacitor value is different between DLPC231S-Q1 datasheet and reference design dlpr132

For example, the bypass capacitors value is 0.1uF on VCC33IO_INTF in datasheet/

But, the bypass capacitors value is 0.01uF on VCC3IO_INTF in reference design.

Could you please let me know which value is correct?

  • Hello!

    Please follow the reference design value of 0.01uF, as this is what we have built and validated.

    The datasheet seems to need to be updated to include differences from the beginning of development.



  • Hi Jin,

    Our team dug deeper into this and found that our design works within spec, but we actually recommend using 0.1 uF capacitors. We apologize for any confusion.

    After further investigation, we found that having more capacitance will allow for more "cushion" in your design and better stability if your design and layout differ from TI's. Please follow the datasheet recommendation. We may end up changing this design in the future, and a ticket will be made internally to address this.

    Michael Ly