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Dear Sir or Madame,
the Institute For Measurement And Sensor Technology of the University Kaiserslautern bought a DLP Light Crafter in order to work on colored MBMC-Sequences for education purposes. We have already made good experiences with the product and where able to load successfully several MBMC-Sequences .
We would like to send two requests for colored Pattern Sequences, based on the RGB444-sequence mode, similar to the two requests on April the 24th in 2013. We would like to realise comparable sequences, with the same exposure time, but not sending 3 x green information on the pattern numbers 14 to 16. We would like to have continously patterns in the following manner
pattern no. bit-depth color
1 4 red
2 4 green
3 4 blue
4 4 red
5 4 green
6 4 blue
... ... ...
22 4 red
23 4 green
24 4 blue
Would this be possible? Thank you for your support and this great community.
Francois Torner
Hello Francois,
Sure, we can help you on this.
Can you please provide the complete information about both the sequences you are requesting here?
I am not able to understand your request completly
We would like to send two requests for colored Pattern Sequences, based on the RGB444-sequence mode, similar to the two requests on April the 24th in 2013. We would like to realise comparable sequences, with the same exposure time (what is the exposure time?), but not sending 3 x green (which other color to be selected?) information on the pattern numbers 14 to 16.
We don't see any post on 24th April 2013. Could you also provide the E2E link that would be very helpful.
Hello Sanjeev,
thank you a lot for your quick reply.
The requests I refered to may be found using the following links:
You find "24 4bpp RGB MBMC Pattern Sequences with Exposure times 1600us and 20000us". So far, so good. The problem is, that there are green patterns on the pattern numbers 14 to 16 (->see the corresponding readme-files and the lookuptable below).
So, what do I need? I need exactly the same sequences with the same exposure times but with a correction of this discontinuities in the pattern sequences.
----------- -------------------------- ----------------
----------- -------------------------- ----------------
1 4 Red
2 4 Green
3 4 Blue
4 4 Red
5 4 Green
6 4 Blue
7 4 Red
8 4 Green
9 4 Blue
10 4 Red
11 4 Green
12 4 Blue
13 4 Red
14 4 Green -> GREEN
15 4 Green -> BLUE
16 4 Green -> RED
17 4 Red->GREEN
18 4 Green->BLUE
19 4 Blue->RED
20 4 Red->GREEN
21 4 Green->BLUE
22 4 Blue->RED
23 4 Red->GREEN
24 4 Green->BLUE
Is this possible. Yesterday I realized, that this correction is even necessary with the following two links
It would be very nice, If these pattern sequences might be corrected also.
Thank yo very much!
Hello Francois,
Thank your for pointing out !!! have corrected them now.
My collegue will post them soon.
Thanks again for your patience.
Hello Sanjeev,
thank you for the sequences - > They work perfectly. At that point I have one more question, but I'm not sure, if this is the right point to ask.
I would like to do some calibration. That's why I generated a bitmap that I can send to the DMD and that helps me to work on a calibration algorithm. The point is, that this algorithm shall be executed on every start up of the system (I've written an own program). When I boot the DLP, automaticaly the Logo of TI (I guess you know the picture) is shown, followed by vertical colored RGB lines. The point is, that I would like to show this calibration-bitmap at this point instead of the logo. Is there a function that can change that boot-pic?
Thank you once more;-)
Francois Torner
Hello Francois,
The splash image displayed during the boot-up is displayed using what is called as 'regular Video Sequence' these sequences are meant for just viewing purpose. When the boot-pic images are displayed the DLPC300 would have enabled multiple functions such as degamma, scaler etc... infact the actual boot-pic resolution is 427x240 and the DLPC300 (refer I2C programmer guide) input resolution configured to Reg[0x0C] = 0x23, so image is scaled.
If that is OK with then YES there is a small utility on the web where you can replace the boot-pic with your own, your image needs to be 427x240 for updating. Here is the link download DLPR300SPLASH.
Fell free to get back to us incase you face any problems.
Hello Sanjeev,
I have written some requests in 2013 and every time the support worked fine. Thank you so far. I hope it will be able this time, too :-)
The point is that there are the following MBMC-sequences, that can be downloaded and work well:
96 1bpp RGB MBMC Pattern Sequence with Exposure Time = 20000us
48 2bpp RGB MBMC Pattern Sequence with Exposure Time = 20000us
24 4bpp RGB MBMC Pattern Sequence with Exposure Time = 20000us
12 8bpp RGB MBMC Pattern Sequence with Exposure Time = 20000us
For some camera-application I need exactly these sequences, but with other exposure times. The times should be 5000us, 10000us and 15000us.
Would this be possible?
Thank you. Regards,
Hello Francois,
Regarding the above request, could you tell give us more information for each of the sequences you want to be generated?
Bit depth Number of patterns and the LED?
Accordingly I will generate the MBMC sequences for the requested exposure times and post them.
Hello Manasi,
thank you for your reply.
The point is, that I need exactly the above discribed sequences that have already been uploaded by Sanjev, but with different exposure times months ago. Please see the attached table view.
Pattern Bits Description Requested Exposure Times
96 1bpp RGB MBMC Pattern Sequence with Exposure Time = 5000 us, 10000 us & 15000 us
48 2bpp RGB MBMC Pattern Sequence with Exposure Time = 5000 us, 10000 us & 15000 us
24 4bpp RGB MBMC Pattern Sequence with Exposure Time = 5000 us, 10000 us & 15000 us
12 8bpp RGB MBMC Pattern Sequence with Exposure Time = 5000 us, 10000 us & 15000 us
Here you can see an example. The 4bpp-sequence should (for example) look like that:
1 4 Red
2 4 Green
3 4 Blue
4 4 Red
5 4 Green
6 4 Blue
[...] [...] [...]
22 4 Red
23 4 Green
24 4 Blue
The other sequences (1bpp, 2bpp and 8bpp) should have the same continuous RGB color arrangement, but 96, 48 and 12 patterns.
I hope, you understand what I mean :-)
Thank you so far!
Hello Francois,
Yes, got it! I am working on generating those patterns for you and would be posting them soon. Thanks for your patience.
Hello Manasi,
I just wanted to ask if you have already generated the pattern sequences...
Thank you.
Hello Francois,
Yes I have generated the MBMC sequences you have requested. Those sequences would be posted today.
Also for the 8bpp sequences the minimum exposure time is 8334 us, so 5000 us is not possible in that case.
Thanks for your patience!
Hello Francois,
So the requested sequences have been uploaded on the MBMC page, they should show up in an hour.
For the 8bpp sequence, I have created sequences for 8334us instead of 5000us since that's the minimum exposure time requirement.