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Hi, I would like to get binary files of following:
1) 1bpp*1B_1bpp*1R_1bpp*12G_1111uSec
(B R G + six gray code images and five phase shift images with exposure time= 1111us)
2) 1bpp*1B_1bpp*1R_1bpp*12G_3333uSec
(different exposure time from [1].)
3) 1bpp*1B_1bpp*1R_1bpp*11G_1111uSec
(B R G + five gray code images and five phase shift images with exposure time= 1111us)
4) 1bpp*1B_1bpp*1R_1bpp*11G_3333uSec
(different exposure time from [3].)
They will be used for 3D scanning with color information.
Eunsang Ko
Hi Paul,
Thanks for creating the sequences.
However, you have a mistake at the last sequence:
Anyway, I successfully downloaded the four sequences.
Thank you,
Eunsang Ko
Dear Paul,
Should I request a new binary file if I change the exposure time of binary files? I want to change the trigger period to >= 1111 uSec that means exposure time will be about 950 uSec?
Eunsang Ko
Hi Paul,
Unfortunately, I have been having trouble when setting the MBMC sequence.
My problem is DLP LightCrafter GUI goes "not response" after clicking the sequence settings "Set" button which is shown in [step 10, pp. 42, dlpu006e.pdf] regardless of other sequences and input trigger(auto or command).
Could you do me a favor?
Eunsang Ko
Could you make other two sequences with exposure time=950 uSec, respectively? (1b 1r 12g and 1b 1r 11g)
However, if the trigger period time of sequences is greater than 1111 uSec, please decrease the exposure time of sequences.
Because, I want to use the camera with 900 fps grabbing speed.
Second, about the not responding GUI and Lightcrafter,
Just, I would like to know why Lightcrafter doesn't respond.
If you success the test of my sequences, please let me know your firmware version. (Is there problem when using Keynote's firmware version?)
Eunsang Ko
Oh,,,, Once I install TI's firmware, MBMC sequences work well. :)
However, can I use the "Play Once" function?
If not, please make two sequence file(1b 1r 12g and 1b 1r 11g) with exposure time=950 (maximum) and trigger period=1111 (minimum).
Eunsang Ko
p.s. I don't know why getting the firmware versions is failed.
"Play Once" function works well if I use DLP LightCrafter Software - 5.0.0 not Keynotes's software.
However, in my sequence, the number of images and the number of pattens are 14 (1b + 1r + 12g) and 24 (1 bit patterns and black patterns), respectively.
Thus, I think trigger signals should be generated 14 times is right, but it is generated 24 times.
As a result, the pair of images (sequence) are not matched because LightCrafter projects 14 images.
What I missed?
Eunsang Ko
p.s. I entered very greater value into 'Trigger Period' to watch whether LightCrafter works well.
Hi Paul,
I was in trouble that trigger signal and pattern image are mismatched because I am using "Play Once".
When using Play Once, pattern images are projected of following: 1b+1r+12g+1b+1r+8g // [next] // 4g+1b+1r+12g+1b+1r+4g // [next] // 8g+ ...
However, maybe, I can resolve this problem by updating my code or not using Play Once.
Thank you very much.
Eunsang Ko
Hi Paul,
Could you build two MBMC sequences of following?
1) 1bpp*1B_1bpp*1R_1bpp*22G_850uSec
2) 1bpp*1B_1bpp*1R_1bpp*22G_950uSec
1bpp black pattern image should be removed to use to my work.
I'm sorry for disturbing you.
Maybe, this request is final. :)
Eunsang Ko
Hi Paul,
How is it going?
Would you mind if I request two sequences of following?
1) 1 * 1bpp red + 1 * 1bpp green + 22 * 1bpp blue with 2225 uSec exposure (Trig. Period >= 2700)
2) 1 * 1bpp red + 1 * 1bpp blue + 22 * 1bpp green with 2225 uSec exposure (Trig. Period >= 2700)
In addition, can I update the binary file to change exposure time myself?
If possible, please let me know how I set the reset code values in binary file.
For example, in Francois Torner's Request
1) 5000 uSec exposure:
0192 4048 f802 no operation 63491
0193 4048 f803 wait 63492
0194 4048 f803 wait 63492
2) 10000 uSec exposure:
0192 4048 f801 no operation 63490
0193 4048 f803 wait 63492
0194 4048 f803 wait 63492
0195 4048 f803 wait 63492
0196 4048 f803 wait 63492
0197 4048 f803 wait 63492
3) 15000 uSec exposure:
01a1 4050 f800 no operation 63489
01a2 4050 f803 wait 63492
01a3 4050 f803 wait 63492
01a4 4050 f803 wait 63492
01a5 4050 f803 wait 63492
01a6 4050 f803 wait 63492
01a7 4050 f803 wait 63492
01a8 4050 f803 wait 63492
01a9 4050 f803 wait 63492
I cannot understand what they means:
1) no operation 63491, 63490, and 63489
2) the number of waits and the value 63492
3) The hexadecimal number F803 is 63491 in decimal, why is 1 added?
I'm sorry for disturbing you due to our solution and my curiosity.
Eunsang Ko
Hi Paul,
How is it going?
Could you build MBMC sequences with different exposure time?
1) 1 * 1bpp red + 1 * 1bpp green + 22 * 1bpp blue with 1725 uSec exposure (Trig. Period >= 2200)
2) 1 * 1bpp red + 1 * 1bpp green + 22 * 1bpp blue with 2000 uSec exposure (Trig. Period >= 2475)
Eunsang Ko
Hi Paul,
May I ask a complicate question?
I use MBMC sequence with the LC3000 projector.
If I use the 14 patterns MBMC sequence, should I update or modify FPGA?
( I cannot modify the number of patterns: 24 in GUI, it is always disabled when MBMC is enabled.)
At this time, I have used (requested) the 24 patterns MBMC sequence.
But, I use only 14 patterns after grabbing 24 images due to trigger signal. (I throw 10 images away)
Thank you.
Eunsang Ko
I mean that...
After 14 patterns(1r 1g 12b) are displayed (14 triggers are generated), is it possible to display next pattern(1r) without delay?
(now, 10 * exposure times are delayed because the "24 images" in one cycle is fixed.)