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DLP480RE: dlpc 4422 interface with dlp480re

Part Number: DLP480RE
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPC4422,

hello all,

i want to use ti dlp480re dmd for my application. i read the datasheet and other descriptions, and concluded that it requires dlpc4422 asic for functioning.

in my application it is only used for display a binary image of the high resolution so requires dmd micromirror only in fully on condition or fully off condition at any instant of time.

the resolution requirement is perfectly matching the dmd480re(1920x1200). but i don't require to use video or pattern mode, only  a constant white display for few seconds and then a black out followed for few more seconds and repetition of this process for about 100 images.

my confusion is can i bypass all the facilities of dlpc4422 for video and image processing. and use a mode of dlpc4422 which can display a binary image (pure black and white and not even gray)

also can i use any other simpler medium which can load the dmd directly (maintaining voltage and temperature in healthy condition).

please guide me for the application.