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I bought a DPL NIRScan Nano a couple years ago and recently one of the tungsten lamps burned out. I searched in the website and the instrument manual for the part specification to buy a replacement but a I could not find it. I would like to know how I can buy a replacement for the tungsten lamp. Thank you.
Hello Wilson,
The Illumination module/head of the EVM uses " INTERNATIONAL LIGHT TECHNOLOGIES : 1088-1" lamp.
I am surprised that that the lamp is burned out. The life expectancy of this lamp is ~18,000 hours. You may want to check for loose wires and connections in the board.
TI does not sell spare parts or offer repair services for the EVM. YTou can try replacing the lamp and see if it works.
If these does not resolve the issue , you may want to reach out to inno Spectra and see if they could offer you a replacement illumination head only.
You could also buy the transmissive head from innospectra and Optecks and use them with your EVM.
Hello Vivek,
Do you know where I can find the sapphire window used in the DLP NIRscan instrument? I would like to buy some spare parts.
Hello Wilson,
The detailed information about the Sapphire window is included in the reference design.
Please download deign files for "Illumination module" and details of the window is listed there.
It is - "SAPPHIRE WINDOW - 7.5mm DIA ; EDMOND OPTICS - part # 43-628 SAPPHIRE"
Hello Wilson,
The original design was based on the circular glass. Our manufacturer replaced it square shape window due to ease of supply. Any shape should be OK as long as thickness is same.
This windows should work with the current head, it will fit in the space.
Thanks for your help, Vivek. Very helpful. I will buy this one.
Best regards,